In Christ, we though many, form one body. Romans 12:5
This past week, I got a call from my back door neighbor saying that there was deer in her back yard who seemed to be unable to walk. Deer pass through our yards frequently because the yards are wooded and the foliage is tempting. They feast on our plants, sleep in our leaves, and seem comfortable to share the yards with us. This time was different. The doe seemed to have a broken leg, and we were concerned that she would die unless she got assistance.
My neighbor called the Office of the Game Warden and was put on “the list” (evidently there are many animals needing assistance especially in the winter). In the meantime, my neighbor tried to get food to the doe, and when I offered to bring a blanket, we suddenly realized that we were pretty unskilled in this area.
When the Game Warden arrived and approached the doe, she got up and limped away. The good news is that her leg wasn’t broken, but rather the injury was probably from a wire fence. There was no evidence of other deer near the area, so we reasoned that because of the injury, she had gone AWOL from her herd.
The term AWOL is an acronym of the miitary phrase “Absent WithOut Leave”, and it is used commonplace to refer to someone when we don’t know where they are. I wonder if our doe went AWOL because she couldn’t keep up with the rest of the herd?
The encounter with the doe brought a touch of reality to me as I thought of all the many homeless people who are AWOL and struggling to live in this world of today. There was a time when we, as Christians and churches, made it a priority to care for them. We picked them up in buses and brought them to our facility where we fed them, offered them a safe place to spend the night, and ministered to their needs while they were with us. We cared for them. At some point, that ministry went AWOL, and people chose to move on to something else.
The Bible describes the Christian life in war terms such as: fight, conquer, strive, battle, overcome, victory. When we become a Christian, we become a member of God’s army, and we are thrust into a spiritual battle whether we realize it or not. What would happen if service men and women went to the recruiting office to join the military with the following attitude. The recruiter says, “Wonderful, now sign here.” The applicant says, “Wait a minute, I have a stipulation. I don’t want to be committed to any particular platoon, no certain group of soldiers, and if I’m unhappy, I want to be able to go AWOL, and join a platoon of my choosing.” Would anyone want to fight next to this kind of soldier?”
This past week, we have all been shocked at the devastation of the fires in Los Angeles and the Pacific Palisades. The fires have burned thousands of acres of land containing thousands of homes. Lives have been lost, and people who lived in beautiful homes suddenly find themselves homeless. Many of these people lost homes that have been in their family for hundreds of years. and they don’t have the insurance to rebuild. At some point, the county government seems to have gone AWOL allowing incompetence to take over where common sense should prevail.
There are groups of people who make little or no committment to their Christian faith, their church, or their God. While the battle in this world is being fought, they are AWOL. There is no such thing as a believer who can float from one belief to another in the Bible. We, as Christians, sign on to be committed to one another and fight the war together no matter the circumstances. We don’t go AWOL.
Christians go AWOL for many reasons. It can be because we didn’t learn the basics of the faith. It can be because we forget the things we learned in the training manual, better known as the Bible, which gives us the information we need to keep from being defeated. It can be because we forget to stay in touch with the commander and chief who gives us courage for each day. We could have put off staying in shape by exercising the laws of the scripture that will keep us attuned to His love. We forget that God has provided us with spiritual weapons and we need to use them. We forget to work with our fellow soldiers. Teamwork makes dreams come true. Finally, we neglect devotion to our Commander. When we love Him, He will never forsake us.
What responsibilities does God place on us as Christians in His army? First, we must allow ourselves to feel concern and compassion. Second, we must get out of our comfort zone and do something about it!
Jesus said, By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, If you love one another. (John 13:35) We can’t love in absentia. The Book of James says the idea of faith without works is dead. God’s army needs people in His army who form one body, and don’t go AWOl!!