And he said to them, “Go out into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15
Stating the obvious is defined as, “saying something that everybody already knows or understands.”
Sometimes people make comments which might seem obvious to one person but not to another. Years ago as my cousin, Jack, was preparing to leave for college and go on to medical school, my Mama presented him with a problem. She had a place on the end of her index finger that would just start bleeding for no apparent reason, and it took a while to get the bleeding to stop. The conversation went like this, “Jack, what do you think about this finger that bleeds all the time? Jack said, “Well, Mi, if you don’t stop the bleeding, you are going to bleed to death.” Stating the obvious!
As Christians, do we sometimes think we are stating the obvious when it comes to our beliefs? Perhaps what we believe is obvious to us, but it is not to a person who has never read the Bible, heard the good news, and known the power of the Holy Spirit.
There are folks in our world these days who reject the virgin birth, the crucifixion, and the Bible in general. They simply don’t believe that these things ever happened and thus are not true. No one has taken the time to share the obvious things that we, as Christians,believe with them.
We repeat the Lord’s Prayer with little or no thought for the meaning behind these words. Would it be obvious to a non believer how we feel about these words if they watched us saying it repetitiously? Years ago, I sat next to a visitor in church, and when we began repeating the Lord’s Prayer, he did not participate. At the end of the service, he said, “You know, that is a beautiful prayer you all prayed, but I am not familiar with that prayer.” That man stating the obvious made me realize how many times I assume.
There are so many things that we Christians believe that are obvious to us but need to be shown to unbelievers through our words, actions and deeds. Never assume that our faith is obvious to all.