My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27

Anyone who has tried to hold a conversation in a crowded restaurant or a bustling environment knows how difficult it is to understand what someone is saying when it competes with background noise! Researchers have found that familiarity offers an advantage in these situations. In order words, a voice with whom you are familiar is often so much easier to understand. I began to think of all the voices, which in a crowded room or unexpected place, I could recognize immediately. My question then was, “Could I recognize God’s voice if He were speaking to me amid the confusion of this world?”
The Bible confirms that Abraham heard the still small voice of God on many occasions. He didn’t know where he was going, but it was enough for him to know that wherever it was, he went with God. Not only was he willing to follow God, Abraham was also willing to take his idea of what the journey would be like and tear it into tiny pieces. He was smart enough to know that nothing on the itinerary will happen as expected.
What do we do when our life as we know it seems blocked? We can’t retreat, go forward, turn left or right. I think the still small voice of God would have us do a few things. The first thing is to Stand Firm and listen only to the sweet voice of Jesus. Don’t give into despair, impatience or doubt. Just remember, God will not only do something – He will do everything.
During a time of adversity, the world tends to speak of providence with a total lack of understanding. What the world views as providence they see as occurrences of fate which reduces God from His position as our powerful and personal Savior. The time of trouble is the place where He preserves us not the place where He fails us.
I’m a firm believer in the still small voice of God not only in trouble, but in good times as well. During the coming days, we will undoubtedly have many occasions to demonstrate the art of Standing Firm in our faith and trusting God to bring the Easter message to everyone with whom we come in contact (social distancing of course).
Let us remember, it is in our crisis time that the “still voice” of the Lord speaks to our troubled hearts, and if we listen, it saves us. George Weagba
He speaks and the sound of His voice, is so sweet the birds hush their singing; And the melody that He gave to me, within my heart is ringing. And he walks with me, and He talks with me; And He tells me I am His own; And the joy we share as we tarry there; None other has ever known. This sweet and precious song is verse 2 of In The Garden by Charles A. Miles 1913.
Stand Firm.