So here’s what I want you to do – God helping you; take your everyday, normal life – your sleeping, eating, going to work, walking around life and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don’t become so self adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without thinking. instead, fix your attention on God. You will be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants for you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you , always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings out the best in you , develops well formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2 from the Message
These days almost everywhere I go I must expect or be prepared to have my temperature taken. Although, I don’t mind, I have heard that if that digital thermometer is used too many times, it kills our brain cells!! I wonder if that’s normal?
Normal is defined as the usual, average or typical state or condition. For example, the normal temperature for a person is said to be 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. However, normal for one person is not always normal for another. For me normal is usually around 97 degrees. One day they said my temperature was 95.4, which seems almost comatose to me. There are differences in what is considered normal.
In the last seven months, normal has taken on a whole new meaning. Students have been staying home rather than the normal day of school, parents are working at home rather than an office, restaurants and businesses don’t keep normal hours anymore, churches are altering the normal times and amount of services, and on it goes. There is a new normal in our lives.
In this age, we are all having to cope with the sense of lost normalcy in our lives that we took for granted. It seems that we are being granted the time to review our lives and what is really important.
In years past, normal was a dinner without cell phones where people enjoyed conversation and communication. Now, I rarely see anyone in a restaurant or gathering without their cell phone or laptop on the table. Instead of intimacy and communication, we are becoming a generation that has lost that art. We spend our days isolated with only technology to keep us linked to the outside world. Is that normal?
Many people rarely have time to include Jesus in their normal day. We rush from one thing to another, but the one thing we never are without is our cell phone. We feel we are in constant demand. Jesus felt that way, too. He was pursued at all hours of the day and night by multitudes, yet He always found time to depart into a solitary place and pray.
In the past, it was normal to wake every day to a schedule. Now, we are adjusting to schedule changes. Who in our lives sets the schedule for our normal day? Usually it seems that our job, our family, and we ourselves set our schedule for the day or week. We find ourselves busy with work, family activities, and social activities for ourselves, but rarely do we include time for God in our normal schedule.
It is normal these days to acquire as much monetary wealth as we can, work as many hours as we can, own as many cars, houses, and material things as we can, and push ourselves as hard as we can. The new normal is the need to remember that the most important things are those which have no monetary value.
We are all looking for peace and inner comfort in this not so normal world, so how do we get it? It is probably the world’s best kept secret, but all this is ours for the taking if we just embrace Him and His promises. He will provide us with everything we need to handle life’s opportunities and difficulties. The secret is handling only the things God wants you to handle, and entrusting the rest to Him. That keeps life normal.
Dear Father, help us to expect you as we travel this normal ordinary road of life. We are not asking for sensational experiences, just fellowship with You through every day work and service. Be our companion when we take an ordinary journey and let our lives be transformed by Your presence.