But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge–to the great amazement of the governor. Matthew 27:14
There are few images that are more moving than the movies and pictures which depict Jesus as He stood in front of those who would falsely accuse Him. He could have called ten thousand angels or called upon the wrath of God as seen in plagues or the parting of the Red Sea, yet he remained still and said not a word.
I began to think of how often we get impatient and fail to remain silent and let God take up our cause or petition. Instead of letting God provide the answers or solutions through His unfailing and faithful love, we try to strike a blow in our own defense. If we would just remain silent and say not a word, God would grant us this silent power and submissive spirit we all need.
There are many times when our words are intolerant of others, narrow minded, harshly vindictive and damage the testimony we could make for Him. Jesus allowed the critics to do their worst, yet He stood in the power of God as the silent Lamb.
Once our earthly battles and strifes are over, our prayer should be that others remember us as Jesus would want us to be, looking upon the face of others and seeing Christ in them.
The day when Jesus stood alone, And felt the hearts of men like stone, And knew He came but to atone –That day, “He held His peace”.
They witnessed falsely to His word, They bound Him with a cruel cord, And mockingly proclaimed Him Lord, “But Jesus held His peace”.
They spat upon Him in the face, They dragged Him on from place to place, They heaped upon Him all disgrace, “But Jesus held His peace”.
My friend, gave you for far much less, With rage, which you called righteousness, Resented slights with great distress? Your Savior “held His peace”. copied
Years ago, Chuck and Robert presented the congregation with a beautiful rendition of “He Never Said a Mumbalin’ Word“. I will never forget the powerful message. Here is a reminder of the words of the spiritual.
O, they whipped him up the hill, up the hill, up the hill; O, they whipped him up the hill, And He never said a mumbalin’ word. O, they whipped him up the hill, And He never said a mumbalin’ word. He just hung His head and He cried.
“They nailed him to a tree.” And He never said a mumbalin’ word. “They pierced him in the side.” And He never said a mumbalin’ word. “His blood came trickling down.” And He never said a mumbalin’ word. “He hung His head and died.” And He never said a mumbalin’ word.
The spiritual seeks to allow one to see the suffering of Christ without His complaint. Although in the gospel of Mark it is recorded that Christ did speak, the words spoken are said to show his emotional, psychological and physical suffering. He did not seek wrath or revenge.
As we seek to honor Him this Holy Week, let’s seek to assume the qualities of our Savior. There is not a word we can say that is more powerful than His example.