Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be satisfied. Matthew 5:6
You are blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you will ever eat. Matthew 5:6 from The Message
This past weekend, Randy and I were privileged to participate in the celebration of life service for Dr. Frederick Mickler, Jr. of Jasper, Florida. Frederick was the last surviving child of the four children of Fred and Robbie Mickler and uncle to many first cousins. The service was so uplifting as we celebrated the life of a wonderful doctor, husband, father, grandfather, and servant of the community and the Lord. What a life of service he lived!
At the close of the service, we attempted to sing a hymn which most of us had never heard before, but since it was his favorite so we persevered. The words are so beautiful that I couldn’t believe it’s found in the Broadman Baptist Hymnal but not the Methodist! The name of the hymn is I Am Satisfied, and the last words of the chorus are telling. The words are: I am satisfied, I am satisfied, I am satisfied with Jesus, But the question came to me as I think of Calvary, Is my Master satisfied with me? B.B. McKinney
The song should beg the question from all of us, Is Jesus satisfied with us? Is He satisfied with us personally? Is He satisfied with us as a nation? Is He satisfied with us as churches? Is He satisfied with us spiritually? If not, where do we all need to improve?
The word satisfied is defined as contented or pleased. First, is God satisfied with our relationship with Him? Speaking for myself, I know that is an area which could be improved! From the very first chapter of Genesis, it’s clear that a relationship with God is the foundation upon which everything in our lives must be built. If we try to build on anything else, we’re building on quicksand. Human relationships don’t last, relationships with God are eternal.
Secondly, is God satisfied with our trust in Him? God told Joshua as he stood on the threshold of the Promised Land, No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life..I will be with you..I will never leave or forsake you. Jos 1:5 The movie Ben Hur is one of my all time favorites. Charlton Heston, the star, had to drive a chariot for his role. Of course, he was supposed to win the climatic chariot race, but there was a problem. He was having a problem learning to drive the chariot and an even bigger problem staying on it. He walked over to the director and said, “Mr. Wyler, I can barely stay on this thing much less win this race.” Mr. Wyler replied, “Son, your job is to stay on the chariot, my job is to make sure you win.” It’s all about trust. Don’t quit on God and don’t stop trusting in Him. That’s His job.
Finally, is God satisfied with our commitment to Him? The world is watching and waiting to see what God can do through a life committed to Him. He wants us to put aside our own personal glory, ideas, and be nothing so that Christ can be everything. If we fully commit to God’s purpose, receive His humility, faith, love, and power without hindering His plan, He will continue to do His miraculous work in and through us.
With a renewed purpose to work toward a better relationship, more trust, and a deeper commitment, God will be satisfied!
Please, never be satisfied until you can express from your innermost soul that God is an infinitely wonderful Being. There is no limit to what God can do through us if we do not seek our own glory. copied
I am satisfied with Jesus, He has done so much for me; He has suffered to redeem me, He has died to set me free. He is with me in my trials, Best of friends to all is he; I can always count on Jesus, Can He always count on me? I can hear the voice of Jesus, Calling out so pleadingly; “Go and win the lost and straying,” Is He satisfied with me? When my work on earth is ended, And I cross the mystic sea, Oh, that I can hear Him saying, “I am satisfied with thee.” I Am Satisfied by B.B. McKinney