The joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

It’s hard to believe that we are approaching the end of another year! Time is moving with lightning speed these days, and here we are on the threshold of the brand new year of 2023! We are going forward (whether we like it or not) into the unknown. Who knows what changes and new experiences will come our way? Who knows what we will find around the next corner? In spite of the uncertainty, as Christians, we know the Lord is with us continually from year to year.
The beginning of a new year gives us an opportunity to stop and reflect on the year that is ending and look forward to the year that is beginning. It gives us each a chance to examine ourselves and see where we have been, where we are now, and where we want to be! Whether or not we walk through the threshold of joy this year is up to us!
Threshold is defined as the place or point of entering or beginning, or the level or point at which we start to experience something or something new begins to happen. The year of our Lord two thousand and twenty three offers us all a new beginning, but our job is to step across the threshold of it with confidence.
This past year has brought many changes and new experiences for many of us. We have experienced the highest mountain top experiences and the lowest valley ones while continually aspiring to live a fuller life. Many of us have lost a loved one or a dear friend, and their absence, whether expected or not, leaves a sadness in our hearts. It has also brought new life to many of us through new friendships, new purposes, and new attitudes.
The coming year offers us several opportunities to reclaim our joy and peace if we are ready to do a few things. First, cross over the threshold of purpose. Purpose is what gives our life meaning so we can say, “I know why I’m doing what I’m doing.” There is a tremendous difference between just existing and living. Living is defined as “being vigorous, alive and full of life” while existing is defined as “just being there.” God will reveal His purpose for each of us if we just allow Him to use us.
Secondly, step over the threshold to forgiveness. Forgiveness is a decision, an act of the will by the grace of God. There is not a person who has not been hurt by someone in this world, but forgiveness can occur when we find the power to forgive what we still remember. Forgiveness means giving up revenge because God is the judge, not us. When we can see those who have hurt us as a child of God who is loved just like we are, then we can begin to wish them well.
Next, move over the threshold to commitment. God will begin to work in our lives as we commit or roll everything over to Him. Once we roll everything over to Him, and don’t try to take it back and do it ourselves, He works. We forget that He works based on our willingness to commit.
Finally, cross over the threshold and find joy! There is a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness depends on outward circumstances, but joy depends on inward character. Happiness depends on what happens to us, but joy depends on who lives within us. When we have internal joy, we have chosen to know that we are unconditionally loved and accepted by God. Choose joy this year!
God’s love guarantees His acceptance when others reject us, His forgiveness when other judge us, and His mercy when others have condemned us. When we bask in His love, the wellspring of joy bubbles up in our heart. The world doesn’t give us this joy, and the world can’t take it away. We can’t change what happened yesterday, but we can change how we move into tomorrow.
This year I pray we can all cross the threshold of joy to a season of new energy, new purpose, new forgiveness, new commitment, and new joy!
Happy New Year!