No Insignificance!!

I have finished the work you have given me to do. John 17:4

In this world of today, it seems there are more and more people feeling insignifcant. Whether it is about our life, our jobs, our relationships, or our situation, it is something that can really bring us down! Insignificance is defined as being too small or unimportant to be worth consideration; without power or influence; meaningless. Who would want to live feeling this way?

Everyone struggles with their purpose sometimes, and it doesn’t help that society imposes certain guidelines that makes us feel insignificant if we don’t meet the criteria. There is nothing that adds to insignificance like the news and social media. We are made to feel so insignifcant in this world, and sometimes we wonder if there will ever be a time when our contributions will make a difference?!

Every summer about this time, we have an unwanted visit from sugar ants who love coming in through the kitchen window and making themselves at home around the sink area. We know they are coming, and we take the usual steps of spraying outside, removing anything attractive, and even setting out the traps, but they are relentless. Nothing seems to deter the marching army.

The Bible encourages us in Proverbs 6:6 to Take a lesson from the antslearn from their ways and become wise. Though they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter.

In researching a little about these ants, it was eye opening to see the lessons that we as Christians can learn from them. The queen ant is the center of attention in a colony and the mother of most of the ants, but she is not the chief ruler or provider. The “soldier”ants do the work, and they are responsible for the survival of the colony. So, the army I see marching in is in reality just soldiers doing the work for which they are responsible. Their work is significant!

The older ants begin each new project by doing the work themselves. The younger ants then imitate the work of their elders and join in the work. There are no supervisors, chiefs, or officers that make them work, they are just self starters and diligent workers. When we see an ant carrying a piece of bread several times bigger than they are up a slope, returning to pick it up if he drops it, and getting it to where it is supposed to be, that’s diligence.

No work is considered menial or beneath his dignity. Whatever the task, he goes along his way merrily doing his job. No work is insignificant. Martin Luther King once said, “Not all men are called to specialized or professional jobs; even fewer to the heights of genius in the arts and sciences; many are called to be laborers in factories, fields, and streets, but no work is insignificant!” If we can just impart this knowledge to generations coming behind us, none of them will have to worry about success, it will be their constant companion.

One thing you can count on with an ant, he always gives his best and pulls his share of the load. That is a quality that is desireable in humans as well. Walt Disney said, “Whatever you do, do it so well that when people see you do it , they’ll want to come back and see you do it, and they’ll want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.”

The ant is a workaholic – he literally dies working. In other words, they never retire. The contemporary concept of retirement can’t be found in the Bible. Yes, we can retire from a job, but we never retire from work. As long as we are alive, there is always work God would have us do. Rest, relaxation, and retirement are worthy and deserved rewards for a life of hard work, but the truth is as long as we are alive, God has something significant for us to do! God has a great track record of taking seemingly insignificant people and things and using them for his glory!

The ants that visit us leave as quickly as they arrive. Their work, whatever it was, is done here and they have moved on to the next job, but the work they did was significant to them. Just like them, not one of us is insignifcant. God takes joy in using ordinary people and ordinary things for extraordinary purposes!

It Takes Two!

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. Proverbs 31:10

It’s hard to believe, but this week Randy and I celebrate fifty one years of marriage! Fifty years was a real milestone, but as the years pass we are ever more conscious of the blessings we enjoy. Most of our age group are becoming more conscious of the vows we made years ago at the altar of our respective churches as we hear people quoting those vows. We hear “in sickness and in health” a lot lately. We also hear “for better or worse” and “for richer or poorer” being mentioned in conversations. As for me, I am more and more convinced that it takes two to honor those vows and to make a marriage work no matter the age or station in life.

The story is told of a woman who went away with friends on a long weekend retreat. Halfway through the first Monday morning, she suddenly jumped to her feet and left the room. Concerned, a friend followed her to see what had made her leave the meeting so abruptly. She found the woman just disconnecting from a phone call. The friend asked gently, “Is everything all right?” “Oh, yes.” replied the woman sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to alarm you, but I just realized that it’s Monday morning trash day.” Her friend replied, “Trash day? Isn’t your husband at home?” “Yes,” replied the woman, “but it takes two of us to put out the trash. One of us rolls it out, and one of us remembers to do it!” I can identify with this lady!

There are many secrets to a good marriage, and I am sure everyone has their own. Basically, the best secret, in my opinion, is to learn how to live and work together. The number one reason for divorce today is cited as “incompatibility.” No one ever said that people who are alike should get married. We are supposed to be different. When two people with different gifts decide to love one another and listen to one another, their differences can become a source of strength rather than a source of weakness.

When Randy asked my Daddy if he could marry me, first, he said, “Mr. Drake, I love your daughter.” My Daddy looked at him and said, “I love her, too. What have you got to offer her?” Without hesitation Randy said, “Well, right now, I’ve got a red VW and a strong back.” I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the answer Daddy was looking for, but he gave us his blessing (eventually).

Randy and I married while he was still in school at Emory, so we learned quickly that it takes two. It took one of us to get a degree for our future and one of us to work to provide the finances to live. Later, we learned that it takes two to start a youth program; one of us to get the kids there and one of us to help plan programs that relate to all of them.

When we had children, we learned that it takes two to raise a family; one to be the bread winner and one to put their career on hold to be at home for a while. It takes one to be the disciplinarian in the family, and one to be the good guy! When we began to serve churches, we learned that it takes two; one to preach, teach, visit, comfort, and evangelize, and one to be there every Sunday for support and to critique.

As the years go by, it still takes two. In our household, it takes one to grill and one to do the preparations inside. It takes one to tell stories and jokes, and it takes one to listen. It takes one to laugh at the same place in movies for the millionth time, and it takes one to laugh along in spite of knowing that line by heart. It takes one to watch the UGA vs TCU football game every week, and it takes one to point out that Georgia still wins every time. It takes one to remember, and one to forget to remember. It takes one to operate a cell phone and computer, and it takes one to try. It takes one to pay bills, and it takes one to trust that they’ve been paid. It takes one to pray out loud in a group, and it takes one to be grateful. It takes one to sit at the hospital with a friend or church member, and it takes one to be empathetic and wait at home. It takes one to hug, and it takes one to return the hug. It takes two to say “I love you.”

It takes two to build a marriage and a life. Thank heavens God is there to add the third partner that makes it whole. Happy Anniversary, Randy. I love you!

Enough Is Enough!

They will fight against you but will not overcome you. for I am with you and will rescue you declares the Lord. Jeremiah 1:19

One of the great joys I find in life is sitting by the ocean on a beautiful day, listening to the waves gently kiss the shore, and either reading a book or visiting with a friend or loved one. It is so relaxing and lends itself to meditation and prayer. The Fourth of July on the beach is crowded, but people are, for the most part, considerate of others when setting up their tents, their games and playing whatever music appeals to them.

I was living the good life last week doing just what I love while allowing others around me to do the same, when the scene abruptly changed. Three teenage boys arrived carrying three chairs, a small umbrella, and a huge ice box/speaker for their music and drinks. First, they put the umbrella in the sand right in front of my sister and myself, then they turned on their music loud enough to hear in the next county, and finally, they pulled out their beer and huddled underneath that umbrella drinking while singing loudly along with their music! Unfortunately, there are no ordinances on these beaches governing tents, music, etc. which can be good and bad.

We noticed three things immediately. First, they were full of themselves, next, they had no consideration of others, and finally, this day was theirs and they were going to live it regardless of those around them. People around tried unsuccessfully to ask them politely to turn down the music, and they smiled at each one, but nothing happened. My sister left, and finally, I followed suit! Sometimes enough is enough!

Life can be just like this! There just comes a point when health, finances, relationships, spiritual issues, the world situation, and the daily grind cause us to declare, enough is enough! We know that we can’t continue down the same path because it is a dead end, and we can’t keep doing what we’ve always done, but a decision has to be made. We have got to channel our creativity into finding solutions to that enough is enough feeling.

There is a character in the Bible named Shamgar. He is mentioned only twice in Scripture, and his story takes up three lines and two verses, but the impact he had was amazing. The first verse is in Judges 3:31, “Shamgar struck down six hundred Phillistines with an oxgoad. He saved Israel.” The second verse in Judges 5:6 says simply, “In the days of Shamgar.”

Shamgar was the third judge of Israel whose heroic actions led to peace in Israel for an unspecificed time. We are only told that he followed Ehud as a leader, he was the son of Anath, he killed 600 Phillistines, and he saved Israel.

This man used three simple ideas to accomplish his work for God. First, he started where he was, next, he used what he had, and finally, he did what he could. Sometimes when we see things we know aren’t right, we are content to walk away rather than step up and step in. If we do take the initiative we feel God is leading us to take, the results are in God’s hands. Things can be changed if we only grab our oxgoad and go to work!

God used one man with one simple weapon to rescue his people from oppression. This example of God working through one person to change the life of many applies today. We are each called to know when enough is enough and use our actions to have influence over the lives of others. God often chooses to use unknown people to accomplish great things to bring glory to His name.

My story is just an insignficant example of how many times we experience enough is enough in this world of today. However, my story ended up bringing me a chuckle, and I should mention that this is the correct version of the episode!! Later that day those three guys ended up in the elevator with me, my nephew, and my grandson (both these guys related to me are big and strong). True to form, the speaker/cooler was still blaring even in the crowded elevator, the boys were still arrogant, inconsiderate, and self centered. This time, however, I picked up the oxgoad of confrontation. I said, “Hey there, allow me to introduce you to my nephew and my grandson. They will be with me on the beach tomorrow, and they would be happy to help you with the sound on that speaker!! We would love to see all of you.”

The next day was peaceful and quiet. Sometimes enough is just enough!


For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully just as I have been understood. 1 Corinthians 13:12

Randy and I are both blessed to be a part of a large extended family. We both grew up around grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other extended family. Sundays and holidays were huge celebrations with everyone usually in attendance for picnics, family dinners, lake outings, birthday celebrations, beach trips, and any other excuse to be together.

Last week, my cousin planned and organized a beach trip for forty eight of our relatives on the Drake side of the family. We returned to our old favorite place in Panama City which is full of special memories for many of us. Although some were missing, we had a great group of first cousins, second cousins, third cousins, and on down the line. As our chldren’s children came together to spend time with each other, the joy of watching them enjoy each other brought back so many memories of growing up in a close family where everyone supported each other and the bond of love and faith were strong.

In this world of today, we tend to focus on our own lives not someone else’s, and this is true even in families. The great thing is, as soon as we are back together, it’s like we were never apart. My cousins, their children, my children, and our children’s children were able to pick up right where we left off! There is such beauty in the simplicity of the seasons of life and spending time with people you care about! Our memories and experiences of the past are great and useful in shaping us for who and what we are today!

As we gathered together for dinner to celebrate the Fourth of July, we started by remembering those of us who had come before and established the bond of love and family ties that we all now enjoy. When we circled up, held hands, and prayed, it was obvious that there were many missing from the circle and that each of us were remembering a space that was empty. There were some tears, but for the most part, there was joy!

Every family has unique and different strengths, and it’s healthy to celebrate them. We can all give an inheritance to our children, grandchildren, and even great grandchildren by passing on the values, insight, and love that got the family where it is today. If we have a sense of history it can inspire in those who follow us the desire to perpetuate the good things. We need to pass on the generational blessings that have been important to us over the years and recognize and verbalize the uniqueness of each member that made those contributions.

Although our past brings us together, it’s the individual members utilizing their unique gifts and fulfilling their particular roles that make a family resiient, supportive, and loving. These qualities give us a strong future in the promises of God.

Reunions are like much like a surprise party where everyone is the guest of honor! We never know who will walk through the door, but the joy of seeing them is amazing! I believe Jesus and His followers experience that kind of reunion every second in heaven. While we were celebrating our family reunion, a sweet friend of ours from Madison died after an illness. When we heard the news, Randy and I could visualize her entrance into the family reunion which only Jesus can provide and hearing the words from Matthew 25:21, “Well done thy good and faithful servant…Enter into the joy of the Lord.” A reunion in heaven is our reward for spreading the love, mercy, and grace of Jesus.

Don’t be the last chain in the link of your family. Don’t let it end with you. Take the blessings God has deposited in you and pass them on. Celebrate every step of the journey here and look forward to the reunion in heaven!

Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, sing His mercy and His grace; In the mansions bright and blessed He’ll prepare for us a place. When we all get to heaven, what day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory! When We All Get To Heaven by Eliza E. Hewitt

Thanks cousins! It was awesome!! Love you all!


Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he has chosen for his inheritance. Psalm 33:12

It is that time of year again where we prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July in our nation. There are many truths that we reflect upon during this time of year, but I recently read one which seems to apply to this nation at this particular time. It says simply, “If we do not know the foundation that the Founding Fathers laid out for this nation, then we as a nation have no understanding of what we are to be today; thus, we are a nation that has no clear vision for tomorrow.”

Many of us have either forgotten or never really truly studied the heritage of this nation. Heritage is defined as features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages or buildings that were created in the past and still have historical importance.

It is a fact that many of the Founding Fathers had a strong faith in God’s word, sought counsel from this Word, and made laws for this country based on His word. These men were not ashamed of their faith, and they are responsible for a constitution which has enabled this country to be “the longest on going Constitutional Republic in the history of the world.” David Barton

In our country today, the lack of understanding of the principles of the Founding Fathers is eroding the Christian values upon which our nation was built and setting us up to lose our heritage as a nation. The early draft of our Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 and four days later on the steps of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, it was read aloud. The last words, “And for support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mututally pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” were followed by the ringing of the Liberty Bell. The inscription around the top of the bell finds its key truth in Leviticus 25:10, and says, “Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants.”

The Founding Fathers possesed three important things: a knowledge of God’s word, a seeking of God’s wisdom, and a preservation of Godly laws and principles. Somewhere during these two hundred forty seven years since, we have begun to ignore these principles.

In a study done by George Barna, it was found that many Americans are now adopting unbiblical views about their life, their families, and their country. It is obvious among the youth of our country that we are losing the battle for our spiritual heritage. For example, how many of our children these days can tell us anything about the history of Christianity? How many can tell us the story of our nation’s challenges, wars, and struggles? What has happened to the Bible stories we all used to love? How about the heroes of the past whose courage brought our nation to this point? Where are the Bibles in our homes? How many old hymns do we remember? How many of us can recite the 23rd Psalm? How many of us can recite the 52 word Preamble to the Constitution?

We are in great need of statesmen not politicians in this country. We need men and women of faith who will guide us through prayer and who passionately seek God’s wisdom for this country. It has been said that the battleground is no longer in a war zone but rather in our country, in our cities, and in our states every single day. John Adams once asked, “Did our Declaration of Independence not lay the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?” He later added, “Before fireworks and parades, Independence Day ought to be commemorated as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to Almighty God. ”

In the words of C. S. Lewis I find the definition of what we should all be about. He said, “Patriotism is grateful acceptance of where God has placed us. We are to learn and transmit the lessons of our nation and our heritage to the next generation.

This Fourth of July take time to thank God for His blessings and the rich heritage of this great nation! It should be the job of each of us to know enough of our great heritage that we can pass it on to those who followl us!

God Bless America!

Our Father’s God to Thee, author of Liberty, to Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright, with freedom’s holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God our King. My Country Tis of Thee by Samuel Francis Smith