A Gift

IMG_1185“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.  She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.  She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.  Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.  Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”  Proverbs 31:25-29

My Mama, Mildred Ashley Drake, left us suddenly on October 6.  She had just had her weekly hair appointment, and looking as beautiful as always, she must have sat down to read her mail.  Peacefully, she entered into the presence of Jesus and all those she loved who have gone before her.  While we are here mourning, she is there rejoicing.

Mama will be remembered for many things, but perhaps the one thing that she shared with so many was her beautiful voice and her love of music.  She sang for weddings, funerals, our troops at USO shows, church services, lullabies to her children and grands, Christmas cantatas, nursing homes, and community gatherings just to mention a few.  She blessed us by singing for two of her grand daughter’s weddings!  She loved sharing her God given talent.

She loved playing bridge (if she was high), writing, her friends, the Lawrence Welk show, singing in the church choir, UGA football, the Braves, folks in her hometown, the lake, water skiing, snow skiing, the beach, her home, and her extended family. She did a crossword puzzle every day, slalomed for the last time when she was 74 and para sailed for the first time when she was 75!!  She was adventurous, independent, and smart.  An exceptional business woman, she managed my Daddy’s affairs all their married life although many did not know about the woman behind the man.

She was a natural caregiver.  She cared for her Mama and Daddy, her brother, and my Daddy until each of them passed away.

Most of all, she loved her husband, her girls, her grandchildren, and her great grandchildren.  The best times were when we were all together.  We celebrated her 85th birthday on Lake Oconee where she rode in the boat and watched the children ski and tube while giving pointers.

Without exception, everyone loved her and refers to her as the sweetest woman they have ever known.  I think her friend, Anne, said it best when she said, “Your Mama had the gift of love.  She gave it, and she has passed it along to you three girls. Now, it’s up to you to pass it along to your family and others.”  I pray we will live up to the legacy she has left to us.

We will miss our Mama, Mimi, Mi, and Dump, but we are all better people because she was such a huge part of our lives.

“Now your burden’s lifted and carried far away,                                              And precious blood has washed away the stain.                                              So sing to Jesus, sing to Jesus, sing to Jesus and live.”                                    An excerpt from the song, “Come to Jesus”  Lyrics by Chris Rice


21 thoughts on “A Gift”

  1. What a beautiful tribute to your mom.
    Sorry you haven’t hear from me- I had no idea.
    Sounds like you’re a lot like your precious mom.
    Sure Jesus is smiling with your mom right now as they both are smiling at the thoughts of you.
    Love you much.
    Many, many prayers for you all.

  2. So very sorry for your loss. Our moms are so special to us and we miss them daily when they are gone. What a wonderful tribute to your mom. Although she will be greatly missed, what a wonderful legacy you have. She will live on in the lives she loved and influenced.

  3. Sorry, Diane, for your loss. What a very beautiful lady she was! Your very loving words are themselves a lovely tribute to her and her love for all. Thanks for sharing your heart at this difficult time. Thanks be to God for her legacy living still thru your love and witness. Will be lifting you and yours in prayer.

  4. Diane, I am sorry for your loss. She was a very special person to everyone who’s life she touched. This is a beautiful tribute to her and her legacy.

  5. Such a sweet tribute to a sweet sweet lady! Mi will truly be missed and I am glad to say, “she touched my life many times thru many years.”❤️️❤️️❤️️

  6. Oh Diane, what special words for such a special lady! What a tribute! Jack and I loved her so much, and I aspire to be like her in so many ways! Love you bunches!

  7. Such beautiful words for your beloved mother. You certainly have her gift of loving others. Your family will be in my prayers.

  8. Oh Diane, I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mama when I was 28, and not a day goes by that I don’t miss her. You were truly blessed, but you will miss her, I know. And as for her legacy? You’ve got that already covered! Hugs, Mary

  9. Such a beautiful tribute to your mom. I only wish I had known her. She sounds like she was an incredible lady.

  10. Diane, your words share the life of Mi. We all loved her. What fun we had at the lake, beach, family gatherings! She is missed but in a better place. She feels no pain and is whole again. Thank you for sharing this….Love you.

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