A Pin Drop!

When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In God whose name I praise, in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 56:3-4

There are very few times in my life where something happened that was so gut wrenching that I literally thought, “You could hear a pin drop.” The first remembrance of an event of this nature was the day John Kenedy was shot in Dallas on November 22, 1963. I was sitting in 4th period English class when our principal came over the PA system in our school and announced the news. The usually talkative class became deathly silent as we tried to process the assasination. One could hear a pin drop.

The next remembrance was in the fall of 1968. I was working with my Grandmother at her shop in downtown Donalsonville when a black car pulled up outside. Two soldiers emerged and solemnly walked to the business next to ours. When they emerged they were supporting a friend of mine who was weeping uncontrollably. They had come to tell her that her young husband had been killed in Viet Nam. All activity ceased as we all bowed our heads in prayer. One could hear a pin drop.

On September 11, as I was walking the hall of Tritt Elementary to gather my class from lunch, a crowd was gathered around a television watching as a plane flew into the World Trade Center tower. Absolute horror was on everyone’s face. One could hear a pin drop.

Probably the most surreal pin drop moment was on December 1,1969 when college friends at UGA gathered together in front of the television to nervously listen as the draft lottery numbers were called by birth dates. The reactions when the numbers were called went from relief to absolute disbelief, fear, and horror. These guys were about to enter a war for their country for which they had no part in starting, yet they felt the allegiance to their country. Many of our friends went, and many of them gave their lives for this country. You could hear a pin drop that evening.

Today we honor our veterans of all wars. These men and women deserve not only honor and recognition, but also our heartfelt appreciation and thanks for the sacrifices that they made for this country and its people. Randy and I have been honored to know veterans of many of the wars, and it is always an honor to listen to their testament of the bravery and sacrifice of their respective units and friends. One could hear a pin drop as they speak.

It’s sad that many today probably have little or no idea of the courage and dedication that the veterans of these wars have displayed. We don’t know the trauma they endured and perhaps still do. We forget to thank them on a daily basis, and many of the younger generation is oblivious to what their service to this country cost them personally. We forget to remember. One can hear a pin drop.

The following story illustrates this lapse of thankfulness. Robert Whiting, an elderly gentleman of 83, arrived in Paris by plane. At French cusoms, he took a few minutes to locate his passport in his carry on luggage. “You have been to France before, monsieur?” the customs officer asked sarcastically. Mr. Whiting admitted that he had been to France previously. “Then you should know enough to have your passport ready.” The American said,, “The last time I was here, I didn’t have to show it.” “Impossible…Americans always have to show their passports on arrival in France!” the customs officer replied. The American senior gave the Frenchman a hard look. Then, he quietly explained, “Well, when I came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in 1944 to help liberate this country, I couldn’t find a single Frenchman to show a passport to.” I can only imagine that you could have heard a pin drop.

Today we thank God for all of our veterans, and thank you for your service to this United States of America. As I think of our veterans, I recall the many military functions where Taps was played. Brigadere General David Alan Butterfield is credited for creating the melody for Taps in 1862. Butterfield then asked his brigade bugler, Oliver W. Norton to play the notes. It became a custom for the lone bugler to play Taps at the end of the military day to signal “lights out,” during patriotic memorial services, and for military funerals. The words are a fitting tribute for this Veteran’s Day.

Day is done. Gone the sun. From the hillls, From the lake, From the skies. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh. Go to sleep, Peaceful sleep. May the soldier Or sailor, God keep. On the land, Or the deep, Safe in sleep. Love, good night, Must thou go, When the day and the night, Need you so? All is well. Speedeth all to their rest. Fades the light; And from afar; Goeth day, And the stars Shineth bright. Fare Thee well, Day is gone, Night is on. Thanks and praise, For our days.Neath the sun, Neath the stars, Neath the sky. As we go, This we know, God is nigh.

God bless our veterans!

Accentuate the Positive!

You are blessed when you meet Lady Wisdom; when you make friends with Madame Insight. She is worth far more than money in the bank; her friendship is better than a big salary. Proverbs 3:13 The Message

Our parents married during World War II when the country was doing everything humanly possible to keep morale positive. During this time, our Mama sang in USO shows locally and developed a love for the music written during the 1940’s. She used countless songs written during this time to help impart some wisdom during our younger years.

One of the most effective was the song written by Johnny Mercer and sung by Bing Crosby entitled Accentuate the Positive. The first verse says: You’ve got to acent-tu-ate the postive, eli-lime-inate the negative, Latch on to the affirmative, Don’t mess with Mr. In Between. The song encouraged folks to learn from their mistakes instead of dwelling on them, leave negative thoughts behind, and charge into the future to achieve their goals.

We live in a world that seems to either be struck by one disaster after another, burdened by political unrest, or experiencing the horrors of war. It is enough to make even the most positive among us give in to negative thoughts and fears. So, how do we remind ourselves to accentuate the positive?

I love the story of the little boy who went outside with a baseball and a bat, and said to himself, “I am the best hitter in the world.” He threw the ball up, swung at it, and missed. He picked the ball up again, straightened his hat, and said again, “I am the best hitter in the world.” He threw the ball up a second time, swung, and missed. The third time He became more determined than ever as he repeated, “I am the best hitter in the world” with even more assurance. He threw the ball up a third time, swung, and missed again. He laid the bat down, smiled real big and said, “What do you know? I’m the best pitcher in the world.” If we accentuate the postive, we can change a negative situation into a positive one.

This coming week our country will be divided on how we look at the results of the Presidential election. Some will be accentuating the positive while others will be dwelling on the “woe is me” negative thoughts. It is going to require an attitude adjustment for our country to emerge from this election and try to accentuate the positive no matter the outcome. If we make a conscious decision to be positive and meditate on that during the good times, then we will be prepared.

The reality is that we, as human beings, are fallible. Even the disciples had moments of negativity and lack of trust as they followed Jesus through His ministry. In Colossians Chapter 3, we learn to Set your mind on higher things and keep it set. The question is, “How do we set our minds on the higher things? I would suggest three ways to deal with the times in life when we feel a lack of positivity. First, realize our attitude has to undergo an adjustment. The stronger we lean toward doubt and negativity, the more we have to work on it. Prayer and trust are the ways we reach our goal.

Next, look for the positive, and we will find it. Mother Teresa required two things from people who worked with her in the Calcutta slums: a desire to work for others, and a positive attitude. Finally, look for positive people of faith and spend time with them. Once you pick them out, “draft” behind them like the racers do and let them help strengthen our faith and accentuate the positive things in this life.

Remember this week to strive for a conversation with others rather than a monologue. Mean things said nicely are still mean things. Put on a fresh new attitude every morning and remember, with a positive mind set nothing can pull us into the negative. The time we take to accentuate the positive will help us all to eliminate the negative.

The Ties That Bind!

Above all, clothe yourself with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:14

Charles Schultz, the creator of the classic Peanuts comic strip, has a classic moment in on of his stories. Linus has just told Lucy that he plans to become a doctor. Lucy stops skipping rope to offer her usual criticism: “That’s a big laugh! You could never be a doctor. You know why?” Then, as she returns to skipping rope again, she offers her acidic analysis of Linus: “Because you don’t love mankind, that’s why!” Linus with a straight back and obviously disturbed appearnce, comes back with his defense: “I love mankind – it’s people I can’t stand.”

All of us at one time or another have probably been guilty of uttering something similar to the feelings of Linus. The world that God has created is such a marvel, but on the other hand, it also seems to be a bit of a mess at this point in time.

Right now, we are all dealing with the political climate that is consuming us on a daily basis. People feel uneasy even mentioning politics, let alone having a conversation about the candidates and each of their strengths and weaknesses. We are all Americans, but we all have differing hopes, dreams, and requirements about the person who will get our vote.

This situation is rather like the members of a family. While they are all in the same family, the make up of it can be extremely different. For example, one child might be shy, while another is a live wire. One may be gifted in music, while another pursues sports. In some cases, they look nothing like each other, or even their parents, yet, the family members share a bond with each other that is stronger than their differences.

Our Founding Fathers took a vast risk when they gathered to draft and sign the Declaration of Indepence. These Fathers enshrined the promises of freedom, limited government, and individual responsibility in the Declaration and the Constitution. Jefferson and the Founders pledged to each other to honor these documents with their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. They knew that these values would guide future generations to prosperity and happiness. Today, these promises are more in jeopardy than ever before.

The America of today has taken the principles upon which the Founding Fathers pledged and changed them around to be self serving. The expression the tie that binds is commonly used to describe a common idea or belief that links people together. Our Founding Fathers united Thirteen colonies, oversaw the War of Independence from Great Britain, established the United States of America, and crafted laws, beliefs, and freedoms guaranteed to all.

Today, we are not so much interested in the tie that binds us as we are in the differences that separate us. Rather than being interested in a nation with unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, we seen to be more interested in denying those rights to others who don’t agree with us.

As Christians, the tie that binds us is Jesus. He is what unites and holds us together. We share a love of Christ and of all mankind. On the cross and in His subsequent resurrection, Jesus united us all in a bond that includes love, fellowship, forgiveness, grace, and service. Just like Americans are committed to this country and its laws and privileges, we, as Christians, are committed to serving others in the name of Jesus.

As we strive as a nation, a people, a world to revisit the ties that bind, it would be beneficial to us all to remember the ties that bind in each of our lives.

In 1773, the young pastor of a poor church in Wainsgate, England was called to serve a large and influential church in London. As the pastor, John Fawcett, and his wife, Mary, were helping to load up the wagons with their few belongings, the people in his congregation came to say a tearful goodbye. As Mary looked at the faces of those people she loved, she said, “John, I cannot bear to leave.” To which John replied, “Nor can I. We shall remain here with our people.” The couple stayed and ended up serving 54 years among the people of Wainsgate. Out of that experience, Fawcett wrote the beautiful hymn Blest Be The Tie That Binds.

Blest be the tie that binds, Our hearts in Christian love. The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above. Before our Father’s throne, we pour our ardent prayers. Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, our comforts and our cares.

Our prayer is for a united country, and a tie that binds us all.

Where Everybody Knows Your Name!

The sheep hear His voice, and He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. John 10:3

One of our favorite television comedy series was “Cheers” which aired for eleven years. It was the highest rated comedy on television from 1982 until 1993. The series, which was set in a bar, had an interesting mesh of characters who stopped by the bar every day after work. The owner, Sam, was an ex-pro baseball relief pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, a recovering alcoholic, and the bartender. The rest of the cast included: Norm, a beer loving accountant, Carla, the sarcastic waitress, Cliff, the “know it all” letter carrier, Diane, the beautiful, intelligent, but snobby waitress, and Frasier, the psychologist.

This comedy series showed people who cared about each other, and who accepted each other in spite of their failings, frailties, and idiosyncracies. They shared an emotional bond, were committed to one another, and everybody knows each other’s name. Norm would always open the door and say “Good afternoon or evening everyone”, and the crowd would reply in unison, “Norm”! Everyone knew his name.

It’s a good feeling when people know your name. Growing up in a small town, there were very few people who didn’t know each other’s name, and it was comforting to know that no matter what, we could call on each other. After I married Randy, it became apparent that Mickler can be pronounced many different ways, and only those who know us really know our name.

The right name is essential, and it is comforting that Jesus knew all his sheep by name and He led them. Jesus was called everything from Rabbi, to the Good Samaritan, to sinner, but he was also called the Good Shepherd. Just like He knows our name, it’s essential that we know His name and can call Him by His name because He gives us life.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and he gives to us, his sheep, if we will listen and obey. The first thing I think the shepherd gives us is direction. Just like sheep without direction, we will lose our way. Edward Markham, a poet laureate, who was close to retirement discovered that the banker who had been taking care of his financial affairs had stolen his money. He was so angry and bitter that he found he couldn’t write. God says you must forgive or it will destroy you. The Good Shepherd doesn’t lead us down an easy path, but rather a path for His name sake and His glory.

The Good Shepherd gives us courage to face life’s devastating situations. The story is told of Jerry, a restaurant manager was always had a good attitude and was always doing good. One morning as he was opening up, three armed men confronted him and forced him to open the safe. While opening the safe, Jerry’s hand slipped, the men took that move as aggression, shot him, and left him for dead. Fortunately, the alarm was triggered and when the EMT’s arrived, they asked Jerry if he was allergic to anything. He replied, “Yes, bullets. Ask the surgeon to operate on me like I am alive not dead.” Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. The Good Shepherd knows my name.

Finally, the Good Shepherd gives us peace. Every year James Moore, the treasurer of the NY Philharmonic would go to Andrew Carnegie to make up the shortfall of funds. One year Mr. Carnegie said, “Why don’t you go to others and give them a chance to help and I will match whatever funds you receive?” A few days later, Mr. Moore called Mr. Carnegie to report that they had received an individual check for $30,000! “Who gave that check?” asked Mr. Carnegie. The answer came back to him, “It was Mrs. Carnegie.” The Good Shepherd knows our name.

Everything doesn’t fall on our shoulders individually. We don’t need to wear anxiety, fear, worry, or anxiousness on our shoulders. Remember, Jesus put the sheep on His shoulders and carried it. Things that take away our peace are on his shoulders. He knows our name.

It is so comforting to know that when we arrive in our heavenly home and throw open the door, just like Norm, everybody will call out our name! Not only will Jesus know our name, but also, everybody there will know our name and welcome us home.

The theme song from “Cheers” says it best. Making our way in the world today takes everything you’ve got; Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Wouldn’t you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, And they’re always glad you came; You want to be where you can see, Our troubles are all the same; You want to be where everybody knows your name.


His master replied, “Well done thy good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master’s happiness!” Matthew 25:23

These days we are constantly receiving offers from different sources to collect rewards for being a part of their program. Businesses such as hotels, airlines, cable companies, restaurants, coffee houses, and many others offer enticing paybacks if we join their reward program.

The not so new, but extremely effective “gimmick” to draw more customers to a respective establishment has been around for a while now. These programs are designed to engage customers and ultimately generate loyalty among them. Some places give you a card that you present every time you purchase something, but the new method is to download the respective establishment’s app on your phone and your purchase is recorded for instant rewards. The rewards can then be exchanged or redeemed for something of our choosing,

That system has been working well for me until recently when one of my favorite places decided to upgrade and “improve” their app. I have no problem with that, but I do have an issue when all the rewards I had accumulated suddenly disappeared! None of my points transfered to this new app. Totally unbelieveable! How dare they take all my hard earned rewards away!

My reaction to losing my rewards is really absurd because in reality, I didn’t do anything to deserve them other than frequent the establishment, pay for my orders, and enjoy using the points I acquired. I have no reason at all to expect a reward!

A reward is defined as something given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement. A synonyn for a reward is a prize or payment such as a bonus. If we are honest, we all look forward to rewards. It can be different for everyone, but basically we all appreciate it when it comes. Perhaps it’s a pay check for a job well done, a bonus, a kind word of appreciation, but no matter what it is, we all love the rewards.

Recently, I began chatting with a lady who comes to the pool area and sits “exactly” ten minutes in the hot tub to ease those sore muslces. During our conversation she said, completely honestly, “This is my reward for riding the bike for twenty minutes!” If we can use this kind of mindset as an incentive for something we need to accomplish, then we might consider we’ve earned it!

God also has a reward program, but His program is a little different. According to the Bible, God rewards believers for their faith and obedience through eternal rewards in heaven. These rewards are a way to encourage Christians to serve Christ and encourage them to put His will before their own. There is no need to announce your good deeds in public as the hypocrites do in order to be recognized by them, but the reward for service will come from God.

So, how do we go about earning God’s rewards? There are many ways, but I have some that stand out to me. First, God rewards our faithfulness. God is faithful to make a way even when there seems to be no way. Each step of faith we take brings us one step closer to the blessings and rewards God has in mind for us.

Next, God rewards our love for Him and our fellow man. In our world today, the word love means different things to different people. What causes us to stand out is that we, as Christians, don’t just say the words, but we show our love through our actions. God rewards those who have overcome differences and are able to truly love one another.

Finally, God rewards compassion. Compassion is one thing that Jesus exhibited, not because people deserved it, but because they needed it. He promised that we will be blessed in this life and rewarded in the life to come.

We follow God’s will not for the rewards here, but because He has given us great and precious promises of rewards in the life to come. God gives rewards to us in ways that we might never know until he reveals them.

“Lord, I am thankful that You reward us when we are faithful to fulfill the assignments You’ve given us to do.”

Who You Gonna Call?

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead. James 2:26

Many of us remember the old movies, Ghostbusters. The movies explore a group of New York parapsychologists who investigate and eliminate ghosts, paranormal manifestations, demons, and demigods. The ghostbuster franchise explores themes of the supernatural, the power of belief, and the importance of friendship and teamwork.

The theme of the movie became an instant success with the catchy music and lyrics which asked the question, “Who You Gonna Call? Ghostbusters!” We ask that question a lot these days, who Are we gonna call during the catastrophes of this world? We, as humans, want to be able to get in touch with an expert when we have a problem or emergency.

When the world is in trouble, we want to be able to send up a signal like Gotham City did to page Batman, or we want a super human who can leap buildings in a single bound like Superman! We want someone powerful and dynamic to save us from catastrophes.

I can remember the days in our small town, when the only way to get help in an emergency was to call the operator and ask her to please call the police or fire station. The other option was to find the phone directory, look up the number, and call. Who You Gonna Call? The first 911 call was made in Haleyville, Alabama on February 16, 1968; however,it wasn’t officially made the universal emergency number until 1999. We are quick to take these life saving conveniences for granted.

We think we have all the important things like power, water, cell service, and gas, but then a natural disaster hits, and we realize that there are limits to what humans can do by themselves. The fact is that God doesn’t need a super hero or a ghostbuster to get things done in this world, He just needs us regular folks to help other regular folks.

In speaking with some of the folks who have survived the remnants of Helene, the one thing they say over and over is that ordinary folks are working to help other ordinary folks. When your city is totally devoid of power, cell service, water, chain saws, generators, and all the things that are needed to survive until help comes, Who You Gonna Call? That’s the problem here. Without the luxuries we rely upon in this world of instant communication, how do we function?

The first thing we do is remember to lean on God and draw strength from His enduring love and unwavering presence. We like to think that we can run the world without Him, and He will let us try, but in reality, God is in charge. He is our refuge and strength!

Next, we need to change our perspective. When we can see things from God’s perspective the negative thoughts and feelings are replaced with positve and hopeful assurances we have experienced as we remember the goodness of God in the past.

Finally, we need to pray faithfully. Every person I have encountered who has been affected by this disaster always responds the same way when asked, “What can we do for you?” The answer is, “please pray for us.”

There is a universal prayer that many pray during disasters, and I share it now with you. Lord, please be with each and every person affected by this storm and surround them with your love, protection, and angels. Let them know there are millions of us out here praying for them and their loved ones. Please sustain those who are working to rescue or rebuild and fill them with strength. Fill us with hope for the new creation that will come from this disaster. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Who you gonna call? We are calling on God. He can use anybody and everybody. When things are at their worst, we tend to see the best in us all! God reveals the greatness of His power by demonstating that the world’s nobodies are His somebody’s. Who does God call? Anybody who will answer!

What Can We Expect?

Is anything too hard for me? Genesis 18:14

Last week during the days of anticipation of the arrival of Hurrican Helene, most people were wondering what can we expect in terms of the effects of this storm. Things like, “Should we expect flooding? Should we expect heavy winds? Should we expect power outages?” We turned to our meteorologists for answers, but how much do they really know? They can follow the radar and try to predict the path of a hurricane, but they can never be 100% accurate in their predictions.

I think Lewis Grizzard had it right when he said that radar isn’t real. What really happens, he said, is that the weather stations have a weather dog. If he comes back wet, the forecast is for rain; if he comes back hot and dry, it’s going to be sunny, and if he doesn’t come back at all, it’s going to be windy!

As it turns out, the storm took a different path than expected, and there was much damage to the northeast of us, and some of the damage is life changing. While the storm was worse than expected for many, the effects of the storm were slightly better than the expectations for others. While some breathe a sigh of relief, most of us have stressed over the outcome.

In our world of today, we live on a “need to know basis”. We think we need to know everything ahead of time in order to control the outcome. We want to know “How? What? When? Where?” even though most of the time there is not one thing we can do to change the outcome. Even after we pray and supposedly turn everything over to God, we still live by the philosophy, “hope for the best and plan for the worst.”

It is interesting that we are perfectly content to put our money in the bank and expect the institution to take care of it, but we are hesitant to trust God in the every day things of life. We are hesitant to trust the God whose track record speaks for itself, whose faithfulness never fails, and who has earned the right to ask, “Is anything too hard for me?”

What then, should we expect of God? First, we should expect to be strengthened through trials. As the scipture says “All things work for good for those who love the Lord.” Secondly, we should expect to see and know the glory of God. Next, we can expect to know His love that is poured in and out of us. Finally, we should expect to be delivered from the sin that grips us when we trust in the Lord.

On the other hand, what does God expect of us? According to the Bible, God expects us to do justice. In other words, we should treat others fairly and respectfully, and not mistreat or oppress them. Next, God expects us to love kindness. He expects us to help those in need such as the poor, downtrodden, and hurting. Finally, God expects us to walk humbly with him. This includes thinking less about ourselves and more about others, and being more of a listener rather than a talker.

The aftermath of a storm is sometimes worse than the storm itself. As I heard a man say lately, “The damage is much worse in the light of day than it was during the dark of night.” What can we expect in this life? I think we can expect that no matter what we face in the life, God has a plan. There is a purpose for every storm and every struggle. He has promised that everything we endure will work together for good.

Our prayers this day are for the many who have experienced the damage of Helene. This thought by Dr. Wayne Dyer can help us expect the best of each day.

“Every morning when you awake you have been given the gift of a sunrise and twenty four hours to live. This is a precious gift. You have the wonderful opportunity to take this day and live joyously with apprecition for everything you encounter. Take in a deep breath and be grateful for this exhilerating experience of breathing in life and love.”

Don’t Leave Home Without It!

Therefore, put on the full armor of God so that you will be able to stand against the evil one. Ephesians 6:11

In 1975, the American Express Company came up with a slogan that advised its customers that they shouldn’t “leave home without them” referring to the American Express travel checks! In later years, the slogan changed and evolved into the ever popular “Don’t leave home without it” to advertise their credit cards. Karl Malden was the spokesman for these commercials for almost two decades, but there have been many other celebrity spokes people. As a result, travelers and entrepreneurs alike tend to look to this company with trust and confidence.

These day Christians can feel assured in this world because God also has a guarantee of trust and confidence but with a little different spin. The words might advise us thusly, Don’t leave home without your spiritual armor. If we leave our belt of truth and our shoes of peace in the closet, our breastplate of righteousness by the door, our shield of faith under the bed, our sword of the Spirit, and our helmet of salvation behind us, before long the world of today will try deter us from our mission.

Each piece of the Christian’s armor serves a purpose. The belt protects the stomach, keeps all the other pieces in place, and it offers a place for the sword. The helmet protects the head from blows, and the shoes protect the feet from spikes and traps. The breastplate and shield protect the body from arrows and thrusts from a spear or sword. All of this protects when we are asked to do battle with others who are probably equipped with the same things.

In this world of political and social unrest, we need to remember don’t leave home without the armor because each piece has relevance. The belt of truth reminds us to align our lives with God’s word. The breastplate of righteousness describes the change in our lives when Jesus comes into it. The shield of faith protects us from attacks from the evil one. The helmet of salvation represents our mind becoming like that of Christ. The sword of the spirit is our offensive weapon of the Word of God. The armor is not meant to be used without all the pieces. so don’t leave home without all of it.

Paul described the different pieces of a Roman soldier’s armor, and we’ve all seen pictures depicting the way they must have looked wearing it. The one thing he doesn’t mention is the armor for the soldier’s back. There was a reason for that. There was no retreat, if they did, their back was exposed. The omission of that piece of the armor was supposed to keep the soldiers facing the enemy.

In our world of today, many of us have forgotten that our backs are exposed to the evil going on all around us. We like to think that we are prepared for things that are happening all around us, but we are not. We have let our guard down, and we have left home without wearing the full armor of God. At any given time we are vulnerable.

Sadly, we Christians have lived long enough to see the way political correctness has influenced our world by dictating that we must avoid saying anything that offends others. We all need a spiritual wake up call from time to time. We know what we have been taught, but it often takes a shot in the back to remind us.

There is a tale about a boy who comes home from school and doesn’t know his mom is visiting with their minister. He carries a dead rat in his hand. “Mom,” he says, “you’ll never guess what! There was a rat running around in the garage. I saw it, threw a stone, and hit it. It just lay there, so I went over and stomped on it. Then I picked it up and hurled it against the wall.” At that moment he sees the minister , and his mom’s face, so he adds in a pious voice, “And then, the dear Lord called him home.”

Remember to watch your back and understand that God has provided the armor, and we trust that what He has given us is all we need. The fight we are in with the evil one is spiritual, so no tangible weapons will can be effectively used in the battle against him. Suit up with your spiritual armor every day, and don’t leave home without it!

Don’t Let It Percolate!

But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Matthew 5:22

Years ago, our family used a percolator to make the morning coffee. This “coffee maker” was light years behind the pods and other varieties of today. The percolator worked by using gravity and a process called percolation to brew coffee. You would place the coffee grounds in a metal basket at the top, add water to the bottom of the pot, and place it on the stove on high. The water at the bottom heats up and boils which creates steam bubbles. The steam bubbles in turn push the hot water up the tube in the middle of the pot, over the coffee grounds, and back into the bottom part of the pot. When the process is finished, we would put the stove on simmer and enjoy fresh coffee.

Just like the steam rises in the percolator in order to make coffee, sometimes in this day and time, we have many things that cause the steam or anger in ourselves to rise. Anger is defined as a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. During this day and time, many of us experience anger on a daily basis. Anything from folks texting while driving, to political ads and speeches, to unrest in our world, to simple everyday occurrences that can send us over the edge.

It is a proven fact that people who struggle with anger are five times more likely to suffer with coronary heart disease and/or suffer a heart attack because they can get so angry. This kind of anger is usually associated with folks who are quick tempered, react swiftly, and many times stupidly, instead of letting things defuse slowly and sensibly.

The first mention of anger in the Bible is when Cain got so angry with his brother, Abel, that he murdered him. God says in Epheisians Don’t sin by letting your anger control you.” The word anger is only one letter away from the word danger. The truth is that once we let anger get the best of us, it reveals the worst in us.

The first thing about anger is that it is stupid. Benjamin Franklin wrote in Poor Richard’s Almanac: “Take this advice from Richard poor and lame; Whatever’s begun in anger ends in shame.”

Next, anger is devisive. Occasionally we become angry for a good reason, but most of the time it’s because we are irritated, impatient, or hurt about the way we’ve been treated. Will Rogers once said, “People who fly into a rage seldom make a good landing.”

Finally, anger is destructive. We usually pay the penalty for the actions we commit in the midst of anger. Things such as losing friends, losing the love and respect of our family, losing business associates, and losing our health. The psychologist John Hunter who suffered from a severe heart conditon once said, “My life is at the mercy of the person who can make me angry…the first scoundrel who gets me angry can kill me!”

Proverbs tells us that he who is slow to anger is better than the mighty. One of the fruits of the spirt is self control, and that means that as a Christian, one can control the anger. Anger is much like a river in that if it’s controlled, it can generate enough electricity to power a city, but if it is uncontrolled, it can overflow its banks, become a raging flood, and destroy everything in its path.

Not everything in life is worth a burst of anger. Just like the percolator when it is on high, our tempers can heat up and boil over, but if we turn down the heat and simmer down, we can enjoy life. Remember to count to ten before speaking when we are angry. Then, if we are really angry, don’t say anything!

As we face this new season of differences of opinion, choices, and values, remember don’t let it percolate into some words or actions that will cause regret!

Erase It!

Generous in love – God gives grace. Huge in mercy, erase my bad record. Psalms 51:1 from The Message

When our kids were growing up, one of their favorite toys was the red framed Etch A Sketch. This amazing toy uses two knobs that you turn, and you can draw vertical lines with one and horizontal lines with the other. If you turn both knobs simultaneously, diagonal lines can be drawn. After the picture has been drawn, if you don’t like it or want to make some changes, you just turn the red box upside down, shake it, and viola! The picture is erased.

It’s hard to believe that the classic red framed drawing toy, Etch A Sketch, has been around for over 64 years! We would probably all have to admit that it’s pretty impressive these days that a toy that doesn’t have Bluetooth capabilites, can’t connect to WiFi, and doesn’t even work on batteries continues to be iconic and have relevance today especially when children are increasingly putting down toys and picking up video game controllers.

This amazing toy offers the user a chance to erase all their mistakes or miscues and start over! It reminds me of the way God handles mistakes in our lives, in our nation, and in our world. He wipes the slate clean and “remembers it no more.” He cancels our past, and He chooses to forget our wrongs, errors, and failures.

This week we remember the twenty third anniversary of September 11. Our lives were forever changed on that fateful day, and for many of us, things will never be the same. We will forever ask questions such as: “As a country how do we come to terms with our suffering, not only as individuals, but also, as a nation and erase it?” “How do we erase the violation we feel by this tragedy?” “Is it possible to forgive those who seem to have no repentance?” Can we ever erase the pain and suffering of this event?

The tragedy of 911 is neither the first time or the last time we, as a people, will ask these and other questions. This past Wednesday, we watched in horror as a 14 year old gunman killed 4 students and injured 9 more in a senseless act of violence in Apalachee High School in Winder. The students who witnessed it referred to it as “an act of pure evil“. As we watched students gather on the football field for safety and to pray for their fellow students, teachers, and staff, we all felt that moment of helplessness and horror again.

It is human nature to question tragedies whether they come to us either as a natural disaster or through the cunning and evil of human beings. When acts of human beings are the cause, most people point to the fact that God gives us our freedom even to sin and do wrong. We can’t erase these events, but instead of moving backward into grief and despair, God would want us to move forward in a better way.

Recently a friend from Donalsonville sent me excerpts from an interview with one of my relatives, Miss Martha Nell Spooner. The history that she tells of our small town brought back so many good memories and taught me some history of which I was not aware. It also imparted some wisdom which I think is apropo for us today.

Miss Martha Nell is turning ninety, and she left the interviewer with these words: “I am ready to step out of this world, but I am sorry for leaving it in the shape it’s in for my great grandchildren. The things that are so trying take us to the absolute end of our rope, but if we could, we should just hesitate and accept that this is a test. These trials, these things that test us and try us, we can either give up on and become bitter, resentful and angry, or we can hang onto the statement that everything does work for the good. We can’t see it, but we have to accept it.”

It is up to us to try to erase the evil that leads people to do such unimaginable acts of violence. I heard more than one person say, “There if not for the grace of God, go I.” The scipture from Corinthians is a statement of gratitude and humility that acknowledges human sinfulness and the need of God’s grace. In the words of Sheriff Jud Smith of Barrow County, “Hate will not be allowed to prevail.” As Christians, we may be in this world, but we are not of this world. Love will prevail.

Our prayers are with all the families of those students and teachers who lost their lives and were injured. God bless them!