I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord. Wait for the Lord, be strong, and let your heart take courage. Psalm 27: 13-14
Recently as I was reading a book, I ran across the story of a river in Texas named Los Brazos De Dios which translated means “The Arms of God.” Spanish accounts say it received its name because it provided water to many very thirsty parties in 1842. The water saved their lives, and they saw fit to give the glory to God.
We seem to be living in a time which has driven or is driving many of us to the point of despair. Bad news seems to come every day, and it is testing our ability to remain faithful and give the glory to God. It reminds me how quickly things can change from day to day.
As Jesus rode triumphantly through the streets of Jerusalem on that Palm Sunday, He was greeted with shouts of Hosannah, but that quickly changed to shouts of “Crucify Him” later in the week. Although we know He was carrying a heavy burden of the impending week, He rested in Los Brazos De Dios.
During these unprecedented times, we begin to ask questions like, “What am I supposed to do when I am at this point of despair? How long can we take this? Why does God allow this? ” When I was small, I had constant fever and illness associated with tonsillitis. I still remember the weakness and despair even all these years later. What did I have to do? I had to lean on the shoulders of my parents, the doctors and those who lifted me up in Los Brazos de Dios. All you can do is lie still in the Brazos de Dios as a little child would and trust Him.
God is always using situations to teach us the way of pure faith. He teaches us the trial of faith, the discipline of faith, the patience of faith, and the courage of faith. We have to often pass through many stages before we arrive at the victory of faith.
There are so many of us who need to feel Los Bravos de Dios at this moment. We need to wrap our medical workers, our President, our nation, our world, our leaders, our community officials, our firemen, our policemen, our pharmacists, our EMT personnel, our grocery store workers, our small business owners, our mailmen, our teachers, our ministers, our churches, our elderly, our children, our parents, our friends, and our loved ones in the Arms of God.
When we remain unswayed from our stance of faith, even in difficult situations, we grow stronger on every level. These are times that try our soul but they can be times of enormous spiritual growth and faith development.
Hosanna in the highest! We need to rest in Los Bravos de Dios.
Hosanna in the highest, that ancient song we sing; For Christ is our Redeemer, The Lord of Heaven our King. O may we ever praise Him with heart and life and voice, and in His blessed presence eternally rejoice. Hosanna, Loud Hosanna by Jeanette Threlfall