I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me shall not die, but will live forever. John 11:25
When I was growing up, our youth group had destination unknown every fourth Sunday night of the month. Although, we were a small group in a small town, thus, not many choices, it was still fun to guess where we would be on those nights.
Randy and I took that concept to another level, and now we try to do destination unknown for our grandsons. They pack a suitcase, and we start out. They have no idea where we will end up, but they can ask questions to try and solve the mystery. It doesn’t really matter to them where we are going, they just enjoy knowing we will be there when they reach their destination.
I recently attended the funeral of a friend, Steve, and in his eulogy, the minister told the story of a visit he had with him. Steve had been battling cancer, and the prognosis was not good. He asked Steve very frankly, “Do you know where you are going when you die?” Steve answered honestly when he said, “no.” It was at that moment, that the destination unknown mentality kicked in for Steve, and he began to seek answers. About nine months later, Steve was baptized and began to live his life as a Christian. He began to be at peace with his destination. He died assured of his destination.
Randy’s aunt lost her struggle with cancer last week. She lived with grace, laughter, kindness, smiles, compassion, and love. She ministered to each person who visited with her in her last days comforting those who came to comfort her. She died as she lived, assured of her destination. Her funeral was held on her 80th birthday which was so significant of a celebration on earth and in heaven.
It’s a special destination when we know that Jesus has prepared a place for us and we are with Him. How long will we live? As followers of Christ, we will live Forever!