
The spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.  Mark 1:12

Wilderness is defined as a “wasteland, desolate tract, or no man’s land”.  When I picture a wilderness, I equate it with a desert.  It is dry, hot, sandy, and lonely.

The Bible says that the Spirit sent Jesus out into the wilderness right after his baptism for 40 days where he fasted, was tempted by Satan, lived among wild beasts, and was ministered to by angels.  It is thought that He endured these things so He could identify with each of us.

There are physical wildernesses, emotional wildernesses, and spiritual wildernesses that we can encounter in this life.  These wildernesses can be ones brought on by sickness, grief, emotional instability, unworthiness, bad choices, anger, bitterness, and so many other things.  It is at these times, when we realize that we can’t always make it on our own – we need help to find our way out of the wilderness.

If we can be open to the presence and guidance of Jesus, He can lead us through the wilderness to find grace and peace offered through His forgiveness.

I am a visual, hands on learner, and I saw a perfect example of forgiveness and grace lately.  People were invited to write the areas of their life that exemplified a wilderness in sand with a nail or their finger.  When it was written, they were asked to look at it, pray about it, then with their hand, erase it.  As quickly as that word disappeared, is the same way Jesus forgives and grants you grace.  The sin is gone.  In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.

When I got home, I got a bag of sand, a tray, and made my own wilderness eraser.  Each day of the remaining days of Lent, I will write an area or wilderness of my life which needs attention, pray about it, and erase it.  With this act, I will remember that Jesus forgives and cleanses just that quickly.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I am forgiven!  So are we all!




Show Me Your Hands

And when He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet.”                     Luke 24:40

All through my childhood and the childhood of my children, we seemed to frequently have a problem with dirty hands.  The kids would come in from playing in the yard, school, or some other activity, and we’d always say, “Go and wash your hands.”  Many times, they would return, swear they’d done this, and hold out their hands with their palms down.  At this point, we would always say, “Show me your hands, but turn them over.”  When the palms are turned up, the dirty hands are visible.

There are different ways to look at dirty hands.  We can look at them as people might have looked at the lepers in Jesus’s day as unclean; we can view them as a symbol of neglect or laziness; we can look at them as unacceptable; or we can look at them as those hands which are committed to service to God.

My PaPa worked all of his life as a lineman for Georgia Power Company.  When his work days were through, he would come home and work as a heating and air conditioning specialist at night and weekends.  No matter how hard he scrubbed them, he could never get all the grease, oil, and dirt completely gone from his hands.  He always worked hard, did things for others, and loved serving his God.  His dirty hands were  a symbol of how he lived in service.  I loved those hands.

In Jesus’ time, purity was the law of the Pharisees.  I am pretty sure that with all the traveling on dusty roads, the work of a carpenter,  the healing of the unclean, the teaching and holding of children, the washing of the disciples’ feet, the raising of the dead, the turning of water into wine, and all the other personal contact associated with His ministry,  Jesus violated the purity laws.  He was never afraid to get those hands dirty in service to others.

All of us will be asked to show our hands one day.  I pray they will be dirty from our service to others.

I thank God for the life of Robert McMichael and his hands which were always lifted in song, praise and service to his Lord.

Let my hands perform His bidding,                                                                                          Let my feet run in His ways,                                                                                                        Let my eyes see Jesus only,                                                                                                          Let my lips speak forth His praise.                    All For Jesus by Mary James





“Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and sup with him, and he with me.”  Revelation 3:20

In my high school French class, our teacher would sit on her desk, speak a phrase in French and say, “Respondez  s’il vous plait”.  The class was then expected to respond collectively to that question in French.  Imagine, if you can, a group of South Georgians responding collectively in French!  It was quite a memory.  I learned just enough to get by.

My mother always taught us that when you receive an invitation which asks for an RSVP, you respond to it with a “yes” or “no” answer.  It was/is considered very rude not to respond -it’s the polite thing to do.

In this world of evites, the RSVP is now “yes”, “no”, or “maybe”.  The commitment has ‘wiggle room’ so that you don’t have to give a definitive answer.  Times have indeed changed, but a hostess/hosts still deserves a RSVP.

God has asked each of us to RSVP to His promise to dwell in Him and He in us.  All we need to do is commit.  When we do, we find that Christ will meet us wherever we are and shower us with His love and grace.

In the everyday experiences of life, there are many chances to encounter God, but unless we are open and have RSVP’d to His tug on our life, we will miss them.  Author William Barry says, “Whether we are aware of it or not at every moment of our existence we’re encountering God who is trying to catch our attention to draw us into a reciprocal conscious relationship.”

Wherever we are in life, Christ is ready to meet us, accept us, forgive us, and set us free.  All He needs is for His invitation to be acknowledged.  During this Lenten season, we  need to consider a “yes” RSVP to all He freely gives!  Our host has a place reserved at His table for each of us.


I’ll Do It Later

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”  Proverbs 27:1

“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

In the movie, Gone With the Wind, Scarlet O’Hara declares that she will “think about that tomorrow.”  I hear that phrase a lot around my house along with the ever popular, “I’ll do it later”, which could mean an hour, a day, a week, or never.  I am guilty of saying it, too, and even though I have good intentions, in my heart I know it is a mistake to assume that later or tomorrow is promised.

There are many times when I know that God is asking me to do something, but I file these requests in the “to do” file in my mind.  The trouble with filing things away is that most times other things take precedence in the file, and I never get around to doing those Godly requests.

The time in between doing what God asks you to do and when you actually do it, is the Devil’s time.  This is the time when “he” convinces you that there is no hurry to send that card, make that phone call, take that friend to lunch, prepare a meal for a sick friend, give that hug, do that Bible study, or visit that family member.  I have learned that the opportunity to “just do it” can be taken away in an instant.  You can be talking to a person one day, and they can be gone the next.  You can’t “do it later”.

These “do it later” moments are the ones I most regret in my life.  There were many opportunities for ministry that I missed by letting myself postpone something I knew I should do.

We vacationed in Sedona this fall, and there were three mule deer that were always lined up facing the road as we drove past to our hotel room.  Every time we passed, them, I always said, “I’ll get a picture of those cute things later.”  On our way to the airport, I finally got around to preparing to take the picture as we left.  This picture is what I got!  I got what I deserved for assuming I could “do it later.” 


“For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.”  Proverbs 3:26

The story is told of a second string quarterback who was called up by his coach to go into a football game with his team behind by two touchdowns and two minutes left in the game.  The quarterback strapped on his helmet, and begin to run out on the field toward the huddle.  He suddenly stopped, turned around, and trotted back to the coach.  When he faced the coach, he unstrapped his helmet, took a squirt of water, and said, “Coach, I forgot to ask you, do you want me to just tie this game or go ahead and win it?”  Now, that’s confidence!

Confidence is defined as trust, faith, and assurance in something.  I am confident of many things – night will follow day, the earth will spin on its axis, spring will follow winter, doctors will make good decisions about  health issues, pilots are well trained to fly  an airplane, and eternal life will follow death – just to name a few.

There are people I know who must exhibit confidence each day in things ranging from addictions to illnesses and everything in between.  These folks have trust, faith and assurance, not only in the worldly things, but in God.  Confidence in God yields contentment.  I see this contentment when I look at them.

Confidence is also boldness.  There are people I know who exhibit this boldness by acting on their beliefs.  They don’t just talk about what God can do, they act on it.  They know God personally and believe He is able to do whatever they ask in His name.  I believe in that kind of confidence.  Grace is the face I see when I think of this kind of confidence.  She has confidence in miracles – great and ordinary.

God wants us to be confident that he’s pouring His strength into us so that we can do whatever it takes to overcome the obstacles in our life.  He wants us to ultimately find our confidence resting in Him.  God tells us that our confidence is secured in Christ, and we can have it to the fullest.

This Super Bowl weekend, I pray that we, just like the quarterback in the story will face each day with confidence, boldness, contentment, and assurance.  Grace, you are that quarterback to me!

“For I am confident that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things presents, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 8:38-39


All About Me

“This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you.”  John 15:12

“Whoever devotes themselves to themselves will have nothing to show for themselves but themselves.”  Anonymous

In this world of “I” – I-phones, I-pads, I-cloud, etc., it’s an awakening to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around the “I”‘s in our lives.  Each generation has a plan for how life and the world should be, but God’s way is not always their way.  At this point, there are three generations in our immediate family, and there is certainly a huge gap between the oldest and youngest in terms of the world view.  I like to think we teach each other a lot!

There are six different generations living in this world today.  The first is the Traditionalists or Silent Generation who grew up in the depression and  exhibit characteristics of morality, loyalty and are team players.

The second is the Baby Boomers who grew up in the 40’s and 50’s and are characterized as disciplined, self sacrificing, driven, and optimistic.

Thirdly, is the Generation X folks who are described as entrepreneurial, self absorbed, and individualistic.

Fourthly, the Millennials who have never known a world without computers.  They need to be told over and over again that they are special, and they expect the world to treat them that way.  They prefer a relaxed work environment with a lot of hand holding and accolades.

Lastly, the Generation Z or Centennials who must have a cell phone (even young children), TV’s in every room, and video games.  They are savvy consumers who know what they want and how to get it.  The Alpha babies of today will be the sixth generation, and we will have to wait for their characteristics.

These generations are so far apart in their view of religion, Christianity, politics, social issues, moral issues, finances, and almost everything else.  The fact that longevity of life has increased, raises the question of how all these different life styles can come together for a common good.  It is my opinion that each generation has something of value that could be shared with all the others if we would but open our hearts and minds to it.

Perhaps a common ground could be the investment in others.  When  you invest in another person, you actually give yourself a gift, because you can’t light someone else’s path without brightening your own.  Each generation has something to offer that no one else can give.  If we put “I” aside and focus on “we”, what a difference we could make together!









“I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words.”  Ann Hood

When I think of good strong hugs, my mind immediately goes to a few people who give them regularly…Cindi, Casey, Jim, Bogue, and Kathy.  I know there are others, but these folks are the best!  I love it when people hug me tightly and when I start to move away, they just keep holding on.

When we hug someone in a proper way, we use our hands, arms, and shoulders to wrap them up.  It likens itself to a cocoon that wraps us and protects us.  Hugs can show belonging, affirmation, understanding, intimacy, comfort, consolation, celebration, love, and assurance.  It’s the best way I know to show people you care.

How does God hug us?  When I think of Jesus, my mind goes to the Children’s Bible stories where there were pictures of children wrapped in His arms.  He was hugging them close to show His love for them.  I think He does the same for us through our relationships with others.  God can’t be everywhere, so He sends Christian friends to hug us in His stead.

I have a neighbor who recently lost her husband of 60 years.  I went by to see her the other day, but when she opened the door, I felt words were just inadequate.  Instead, I opened my arms and said, “I just came over to give you a hug.”  Hugs are there when words fail.

As we think of situations of suffering, pain, loss, depression, anxiety, fear, and any other emotion that is part of our lives, I think of the strong arms of Jesus wrapping around us in the form of our Christian friends.

These scriptures assure me and feel like hugs from heaven.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels or demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 8:38-39

“See what great love the father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!”  1 John 3:1





“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”  Psalm 126:3

“There are persons so radiant, so genial, so kind, so pleasure-bearing, that you instinctively feel in their presence that they do you good, whose coming into a room is like bringing a shining lamp there.”  Henry Ward Beecher

In 1982,  Randy and I were serving in the small town of Bowdon, Georgia.  When you enter the town, a sign reads, “Welcome to Bowdon – home of the nicest people on earth and a few old grouches.”  We were fortunate to know most of the nicest people on earth.

It so happens that this particular year the church in Bowdon was recognized by the North Georgia Conference as Church of the Year in evangelism and growth.  These sweet folks wanted to give Randy and me something to honor his work and dedication, so they decided we should have a trip somewhere.

In the Methodist fashion, a committee was formed to study the possible destinations.  According to legend, many suggestions were made, but in the end, Dr. W.P. Smith (a great man, UGA alum, and Bulldog supporter) decided that nothing could be better suited to Randy than a trip to the Sugar Bowl to watch the Dawgs play Penn State.  Since he was the planner and major contributor, the trip was a “go”.

We were surprised with a bowl of sugar complete with tickets to the game, a hotel reservation, and four friends to accompany us (they were going anyway, so we got a ride).  It was a moment of pure joy for Randy!!  The absolute surprise and joy of that moment was so evident on his face, but I will never forget the look of joy on Dr. Smith’s face as he presented it!  He was overflowing!

It’s such a feeling when you can do something unexpected for someone else in this world.  It doesn’t have to be a monetary gift, but just a call, a card, or a word of encouragement can mean so much!  I know people who bring joy wherever they go and to whoever they touch!

The joy was not to extend to the game that year, but the trip will be a joyful memory forever thanks to a person who wanted to do something for someone else.  Looks like we will have to wait til next year to seek a National Championship, but thank you, Georgia Bulldogs, for a joyful season!

The picture shows where we sat and ate most of our meals.   We also picked up unknown Georgia fans along the way, but wherever there is joy, a celebration happens!



“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  He shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”  Isaiah 9:6

I love the word, “Shalom”, not only because of its definition, but also because the very word when verbalized feels like peace.  The Hebrew word means, “peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility.”  All these blessings wrapped up in one very beautiful word.

As the snow came down in Marietta and all of the surrounding areas a few weeks ago,  we were “stranded” (meaning traffic was bumper to bumper) around Perimeter Mall area.  Once we got home safely, I could take a deep breath and enjoy the snow.  I don’t know what it is, but when snow falls, the world seems so quiet and peaceful.  I can feel my whole body relax and breathe in the pure tranquility.

Therapists say that the only time the body is completely relaxed is when we take a deep breath and exhale.  It’s such a shame that we carry so much stress that we have to take a time apart and just breathe to feel relaxed.

It’s time to make New Year’s resolutions which always adds to my stress level because I set unrealistic goals and expectations for the New Year. Then, I rationalize when I break the resolutions.  Can I lose those extra 20 pounds?  Only if I don’t have to give up sweets.  Can I exercise every day?  I have to take Sundays off.  Can I eat healthy meals?  I don’t know how to cook healthy.  Can I read my Bible every day?  Yes, but do I let other things come first?  Yes.  Can I pray for others every day?  Of course, but I don’t always remember to include everyone.  The stress of keeping those resolutions adds to all the other stress of life.

This year my resolution is simple – rely on God and know that He will never give us anything that the two of us can’t handle.  It’s not stress that makes my shoulders and neck ache, it’s my reaction to it.  In this new year of 2018, I am praying simply for peace.  Peace in the world, peace in our country, peace in our community, peace in our homes, peace in our families, and peace in my heart.  Shalom.  Inhale.  Exhale.





End on a High Note

“Life is like music; some high notes, some low notes; still together it makes beautiful music.”

Descant in music is defined as “an independent treble melody usually sung or played above a basic melody.”  I love to hear ladies who can hit these high notes consistently while the melody goes on beneath their voices.

My Mama was able to sing this part regularly, and she always did it with assurance, clarity, and strength.  I always wondered if she was nervous, but I think she practiced so much that she felt a sense of peace and confidence.  I can’t say I ever knew her to miss a high note; although, she probably would tell a different story.  If she did, nobody knew it except her.

As I look back on this year, it has certainly not been all high notes.  We have seen the loss of many folks who were dear to us, people we love are fighting cancer and other health related issues, there has been renewed chatter of war, the ever unstable political climate, terrorism, senseless killings, and an overall tension in our world.  How do we end this year on a high note?

Challenges come in everyday life.  Like a musician, you have practiced your faith, and you have your own opportunities to stand boldly and live.  Some people face life’s hardships with confidence and boldness while others are plagued with doubts and fears.  Jesus identifies with our circumstances and feels every single thing we are experiencing.

Life is like music.  Some of us are experiencing “high” times, others “low” times, but the melody of life goes on despite our individual experiences.

Whatever we are facing now and in this coming year, we should be assured that we don’t face anything alone for God is walking right alongside us.  He is giving us the strength to end this year and begin the coming year on a “high note.”  Happy New Year!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13