Make your motion and cast your votes, but in the end God has the final say. Proverbs 16:33
The other day someone posed the question, “Do you believe you are lucky?” That’s a tough question to answer for me because I have heard the superstitions about being lucky all my life. Things like “Find a penny, pick it up, and all day you’ll have good luck,” may not be true, but I don’t pass by a penny if I see one! I might also convince myself that that day could be my lucky day!
Recently a friend and I have engaged in a friendly competition of finding four leaf clovers. He is quite good at spotting them, and when I asked his secret he said, “You don’t find them, they find you!” Since he gave me that advice, I’ve become pretty good at finding them (or letting them find me), and I make it a point to take a picture and send it to him every time. I think I’m winning the competition!!
The leaves of a four leaf clover are said to symbolize faith, hope, love, and luck! It is said that Ireland has more four leaf clovers than any place else, hence the phrase, the luck of the Irish! It’s also said that if you are lucky enough to find a four leaf clover, look for more!!
Luck is defined as success or failure brought about by chance rather than one’s own actions or chance considered as a force that causes good or bad things to happen. However, if we pull out the Bible, a concordance, or all the resources available to us, there is not one mention of luck. We would never see Jesus picking up a coin and exclaiming, “Oh my this is my lucky day!” We never see Peter have an amazing catch of fish and say, “Boy, I must be lucky.”
The above scripture refers to casting of lots (similar to the rolling of dice or the tossing of a coin) to settle certain judicial cases. This scripture suggests that something so random as the tossing of a coin or the rolling of dice, even a lucky tee shot or putt, is not outside the sovereign control of God. Therefore, these results are not merely luck.
Consider this story. On March 1,1950 at Westside Baptist Church in Beatrice, Nebraska choir practice was scheduled to start, as it always did, at 7:20 on Wednesday night. Ususally everyone was there right on time. On this night at 7:25 an exposion demolished the church. The blast was so strong that it shattered windows in surrounding homes, yet everyone of the choir’s 15 members escaped injury. How? They were all late that evening. One had car trouble, one had to finish a letter, one was finishing ironing, one overslept from a nap. Some had no special reason why they were late, yet they were. Is that luck or divine intervention?
The question, “Do you believe you are lucky?” I believe that God sends things at certain times that help us to remember that He is in control and has the means to reassure us along the journey of life. For example, a penny reminds me that God is watching me that day, and I usually utter a prayer for something about which I am concerned.
A four leaf clover reminds me to be faithful, have hope, and love others. While I’m walking and holding it in my hand getting ready to take a picture and send it, gives me time to ponder those these things in my life. A rainbow reminds me of God’s faithfulness to us even in this day and age. A hummingbird reminds me that there are loved ones living in the Father’s House that are waiting for us.
Friday night, we lost a long time dear friend unexpectedly. It was devastating for us, but if she were here today, she would probably say, “Yabbadabbadoo, I am so lucky! I am hearing the words well done thy good and faithful servant; good work. You did your job well. Enter into the joy of the Lord.“ If we know that God is control, then we know that our choir singing The Majesty and Glory of His Name on Sunday was not luck, but the work of a sovereign God reminding us that He is in control. We can envision her already singing with the heavenly choir, and warming up to take over as the director.
It is not luck that God places us in a certain place at a certain time, but rather His plan to enhance our lives with those whom He sends for us to love. We love you, Debbie, and boy, will we ever miss you!
Do I think I am lucky? Yes, indeed. If this week you experience some lucky sign or occurence, ask yourself, “Did this happen so God could show His kindness and love to someone through me?” I bet it will be your lucky day!