So here’s what I want you to do; God helping you. Take your every day ordinary life and put it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings out the best in you, develops well formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2 from The Message
“It’s the real thing” was the slogan used by Coca Cola in their 1969 advertising campaign. The slogan was introduced after the moon landing, and it was based upon research that showed that young people wanted something authentic, original, and natural. It was intended to appeal to the cultural and political viewpoints of this generation. The slogan was meant to position Coke as something authentic during a time when Americans were searching for that. We are of that generation, and although, we might not have known the real purpose behind all this, that slogan and song was known by everyone! Some fifty five years later, people are still seeking authenticity in this world
The other day I was talking with the sister of one of our church members about a particular book we both had in common. It was so much fun to talk with her and get to know a bit about her. In the course of our conversation I said, “I am crazy about your brother. He is just so genuine, supportive, and just a down to earth guy!” She replied, “Yes, he is. My parents would say that he is authentic.”
Being authentic is defined as: of undisputed origin; genuine. After our conversation, I couldn’t get that word out of my mind. Authentic! It is the perfect word to describe him and so many other people that enrich all the lives of those who know them. These are the people who will sign their name on the bottom of a blank sheet of paper and be willing to let God fill in the rest as He wills.
Simply put, being authentic means being true to your own personality, values, and spirit, regardless of the pressure you might be under to act otherwise. An authentic person is honest with themselves and others, and they take full responsibility for their mistakes. Their values, ideals, and actions all align.
I wish I had a nickel for every child I have seen being whisked out of church on Sundays because they had not yet learned about the art of “inside voices”. The best line was in one of our earlier churches where kids and parents usually worshiped together and everyone knew everyone. On this occasion, a young probably four year old boy was being unusually disruptive. When it got unbearable, his Daddy picked him up, crawled over several people, and headed to the door. By this time, they had the entire congregation’s attention and Randy had stopped preaching to watch the outcome. As they walked up the aisle, the little guy leaned over his Daddy’s shoulder and yelled, “Pray for me!” What can you say? He was being authentic!
So, how do we become an authentic person? First, I believe that it takes honesty. This means always speaking the truth!! Haddon Robinson gave these words of wisdom, “In any situation, what you are determines what you see, what you see determines what you do.” Be authentic.
Next, if we are authentic, we will be non judgmental of others. We should speak only the things that we know in our own experiences and not speak condescendingly of others. The worst offender to being authenic is gossip. We shouldn’t assume we know the whole story when we are just forming judgments from the gossip of others.
Finally, if we are authentic, we will be just who we are. I will never forget the time years ago when I was a young minister’s wife with no road map for this role, little confidence in myself, and a fear of speaking in public. I can talk all day long to a small group of people, but don’t ask me to be the speaker! We were in our first small circuit, and the ladies held a meeting in one of the their homes. She introduced me, and then said, “Diane, would you have the blessing?” I froze right there not knowing what to say or do. A sweet lady put her arm around me and said, “I would like to do the blessing today as we welcome Diane and Randy to our community.” I’d like to give myself credit for being authentic, but that honor goes to my sweet friend Marge, who saved me by being just what she was, a child of God.
Most of us are bothered by people who say one thing and do another, or those who put on a false front. On the other hand, we are attracted to people who are honest, genuine, non judgmental, down to earth, and let us see them just as they are. God will bring out the best in us if we allow Him to work. The best folks I know are always being authentic!
Thank you for your insight. I am back!!
Got home Saturday night and made the trip just fine. Have some funny stories. Had to spend the night in NY on the way to Ireland. Will have to do lunch to tell that fiasco.