Calm Resolve!

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

This past weekend, we had an opportunity to spend a weekend with family at the lake. Holiday weekends have the reputation of being crowded, busy and crazy, and this was no exception. We set out with everyone to take a nice boat ride and tour of all the new construction around the lake, but we ended up dodging jet skiers, tubing participants and skiers, riding the wakes of other boats, and trying to navigate the safest way back to the dock.

The interesting thing is that the same waves that were a problem for us, were exciting for those on jet skis or tubing. It’s like the old saying, “The same sunshine that melts the butter, also hardens the clay.” In the middle of the waves, it’s hard to imagine that there is ever going to be calm waters just up ahead.

If you’ve ever been a water skier, then you know the two calmest times to enjoy the water and your ski is early morning, before the other boats arrive, and late in the afternoon when many have abandoned the day’s activities and the water is calm. There is a serenity, freedom, and peace that comes with that experience.

The problem here is waiting for that time of day. We need a calm resolve. Just like daily life, there is a calm to be found in certain places and in different things. We can live life in the busy fray of the outside world, or we can live life from the inside out and discover a calmness that overtakes us. Outside is loud, noisy, wavy, rough, demanding and can be ruthless. Inside provides that stillness and quiet where God whispers and gives us that calm resolve of confidence in Him and the expectation of divine aid. Living from the inside out rather than the outside in is the best defense in times of trouble. Our soul calmly waits for God.

There are times in our lives when the conspiracies of men, the circumstances of life, and the activity of the adversary go to work on our soul and we get away from that calm that comes from God who is our salvation and our defense. These are the times when we need the calm confident expectation of waiting for God to give direction, and show us His will and His purpose. We must stop and wait in the calmness for God to speak.

I love the words of Psalm 62 as found in The Message. It says so beautifully: God, the one and only, I’ll wait as long as He says. Everything I need comes from Him, so why not? He’s solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, an impregnable castle: I’m set for life.

In the confident calmness of these verses, one realizes that rough waters don’t last, and when we see the end or the calm, we have gleaned wisdom for the next challenge.

For us, Christ is the hope of glory and calm. It’s best not to ever react out of emotion and start trying to figure out what to do. All we can do is focus on what we can do and trust God to do what we can’t. In other words, let God deal with the next step. The Lord is our salvation and defense, and a very present help in rough waters. We must wait at a calm place of refuge, strength and security. God is the very thing we need. He is our provision.

Sometimes God’s greatest blessings come when the waters are rough and we are looking for the calm. It is in this time when God’s plan for us becomes clear. So stay calm and carry on!

One thought on “Calm Resolve!”

  1. Thank you, Diane. Sometimes it’s so difficult to stay calm when the world around us is anything but calm. God’s Word is always the calming answer. Thank you for your reminder.
    Prayers for you and yours
    ❤️ C

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