Changed for Good!

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

One of my favorite Broadway musicals from years ago is Wicked, the story of the differences we find in people along our life’s path. The most meaningful piece of music for me is, For Good, a musical duet between Elphaba (the wicked witch of the West) and Glinda (the good witch of the South).

The song’s lyrics address how both Elphaba and Glinda have been changed by their friendship, or the pleasure of knowing each other. Glinda begins by saying that while she doesn’t know if people come into one another’s lives for a reason, “I know I am who I am today because I knew you”. Similarly, Elphaba tells Glinda that “whatever way our stories may end, I know you have rewritten mine by being my friend”. They both agree that because they knew each other, they have been changed for good.

What does it mean to be changed for good? This phrase is defined as an improvement in a situation or state of affairs. Rather than thinking of a change for good in a situation, it’s more important to me to think of it in terms of people who make a difference.

When we begin to think of all the people who have come into our lives, and because our paths have crossed we are changed for the better, the memories and the thanks can begin to add up. There are of course, the obvious people such as our spouses, our children and grandchildren, our parents, our siblings, our grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc., but there are so many others.

This past weekend, our family had the opportunity to attend the Swim Across America event at Lake Lanier to support our favorite swimmers, Vicki and Caroline Bunke. We were mistaken to think that we were supporting these two and all the other swimmers there because these folks ended up teaching us the meaning of love and hope which has no finish line!

The crowd of people were there with so many different stories of why they swim, but so many were there to celebrate and honor a young lady who was Godly, Real, Amazing, Courageous and Exemplary. GRACE.

As we looked around and marveled at the things that bind these folks, the words of the song came back again, “people bring something we must learn, and we are led to those who help us most to grow”. That is certainly true for the Grace Bunke family. All of us have been changed for good because we knew her.

Randy and I were called to the ministry for his career, and because of that calling, we served six different United Methodist congregations. It is said that every church family has its own personality, gifts, graces, and faults alike. Although none of the churches were perfect, and we certainly were not, each group taught us something. Each congregation added to our lives, and we were changed for the better because we knew them.

We find that in every time of need or in every crisis we have faced over the years, people from these places are still there for us. After all these years, we know we are who we are today because we knew them.

There are so many teachers, professors, counselors, and countless others who have touched each of our lives. “Like a handprint on our heart or a seed dropped by a bird in a distant wood”, they changed us for good!

Along life’s way there are small groups of friends, small bible study groups, volunteer organizations, ministries, outreach organizations, and so many others who have changed our lives. It’s in the giving of ourselves that we receive.

Yesterday, our daughter in law, Susie, ran and finished a marathon in honor and memory of one of our dear friends, Paul King, who suffered with Parkinson’s. Others ran for other causes and organizations, but this one was special to our family and friends. Paul and his family were one of the first people who welcomed us in 1988 to Mt. Bethel. To his family, we would say, “so much of us is made up by what we learned from him.” We were changed for good because of his friendship and all of you.

There’s hardly a day that passes that there aren’t people who cross our path from whom we can learn and be changed for good. My prayer is that we would all take the time to appreciate those who come into our lives and change us for good!

One thought on “Changed for Good!”

  1. Diane, You have such a beautiful way of expressing your beautiful thoughts of God’s love and beauty, which is all around us and especially in the people who come into our lives. Thank you, Diane and Randy for all the many reasons. God has certainly Blessed the families of Mt. Bethel because of your love and care for us all. We love you 🥰

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