
“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation because your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what people think you are.”  John Wooden

It’s always interesting how people perceive others.  Randy and I had an occasion in our early ministry where “reputation” preceded “character.” We were in Dalton when an across the street neighbor took an immediate dislike to our German Shepherd, Chief.  Jack never took the time to know us or talk about it, he just acted on his feelings. The day he called our house to tell us that he would shoot our dog if he was ever outside, was the day we called one of our best lawyer friends, Billy, and told him our story.  Now, Billy just happened to know Jack and made it his business to have lunch with him one day after our call.  As Billy guided the conversation toward neighbors, Jack told him that his neighbors had a big dog that he disliked. One thing led to another and Billy astutely asked the name of the neighbors.  When Jack said Randy Mickler, Billy feigned horror and said, “Oh, no, I’ve heard of him. His nickname is Mad Dog Mickler – you better be careful!  You don’t want to mess with him!”  Jack called us the next day to apologize.  He let someone taint his opinion because he didn’t know our character only the reputation of which he had heard.

On the surface, Christ had the reputation of a healer, miracle worker, exorcist, and teacher.  Only if you take the time to know His character would you see that he had so much more!  I read it put beautifully, Christ had tenderness without weakness, humility without uncertainty, power without insensitivity, integrity without rigidity, passion without prejudice, and boldness without harshness.  He insisted on truth but showed love, mercy and forgiveness. He exhibited confidence, He was convicted, and He was approachable.

When he rode into Jerusalem on that Palm Sunday, many of those who praised Him only knew him by reputation.  The ones who stayed by His side during the next week knew His character.

As we approach Palm Sunday, I want to know all about the character.

As a footnote to our story, Billy is now a judge, and Jack set fire to his own house to collect insurance.  Chief lived a long and happy life.  It’s all about character!

“If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of me.”  Dwight L. Moody


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