Keep your eye straight ahead; ignore all the sideshow distractions. Proverbs 4:25
Our world of today is filled with commonplace distractions. Things such as social media, regrets, multitasking, clutter, visual distractions, gossip, pursuit of perfection, and thoughts of others. A distraction can be anything that takes your mind off a task that needs your concentration.
The story is told an “ADD” husband who was so distracted over one thing or another that he had to have his wife tell him almost everything. One day his wife walked into the room and said, “Here’s the sweater you asked me to find.” He said, “Are we going somewhere or am I just cold?” Some of us can all identify.
In Greek mythology Ulysses is coming back from the Trojan war, and it takes him ten years to get home. He faces one distraction after another. One of the most popular distractions in the story was the Sirens, a group of beautiful women who sang irresistably seductive songs. Once the sailors gave in to the distraction, their boats crashed on the hidden rocks that were lurking right beneath the surface of the sea. Once the demonic cannibals whose alluring disguise and mesmerizing melodies had drawn them close, the Sirens wasted little time devouring their flesh.
Ulysses was warned about the Sirens, so when approaching the island, he ordered his crew to tie him to the mast and to put wax in their ears. He told his crew, “No matter what I say or do, don’t untie me until we are safely at a distance from the island.” Ulysses inwardly wanted to pursue the Sirens, but the ropes prevented him from the distraction.
This is how many Christians approach life. We probably inwardly want to pursue a lot of things that we know are distractions, so we are constantly battling guilt, frustration, despair, hopelessness, and we literally hanging on by our fingernails. We can be so caught up in distractions that we miss the kindnesses in life.
The other day, I was in line at Starbucks doing what I hate when other folks do it, answering texts and being distracted. When I got to the window, I absent mindedly held up my app to pay. I didn’t get it when the attendant said, “The person ahead of you took care of your drink today.” I was so distracted I hadn’t noticed the car ahead of me, and so now I don’t know who to thank for that kindness!!
Rather than let the distractions of this world take away our joy, we need to focus more on the passion in our lives. I love little children because they have such natural enthusiasm for life. They don’t let all the distractions rob them of the joy of life. As we get older, we see less joy and more distraction.
Next we need to move from being distracted to being focused. We are all tempted to be controlled by the tyranny of the urgent. Our lives become controlled by a thousand little things rather than the power of the one most important thing. We just need a little quiet time first thing in the morning to get focused on what’s important. If we start the day running, we will never stop.
In a Reader’s Digest article, Tim Allen, the star of the sitcom, Home Improvement asked, “How much of the day are you distracted?” You think, I’ve got to get the dry cleaning, I’ve got to get that report done, I’ve got to do this, I’ve got to do that. All of the sudden it’s dinnertime. You have a few moments with family and a connection with friends, then it’s bedtime. You read, go to bed, and wake up to start the same thing over again!
Finally, we need to stop wandering in life and begin living life with a purpose. Instead of wandering from one day to the next, we need to stop and ask, “What is my purpose? Why am I here?” It’s important to discover that purpose and not let a thousand little distractions rob us of it. I think of the disciples sleeping in the garden when Jesus needed them to be with Him. The human distraction of neglect trumped their purpose.
Today is a perfect day to put aside distractions and look for passion, focus, and purpose.
Well Said. I needed to read this today.
Thank you for your thoughts and sharing.
So happy to hear from you! Hope all is well with you guys!
What a wonderful message to start the week with!
You have nailed me for sure!!
Hope you are doing great! Hearing great things about your grands!!
Loved this one. Great reminder to stay focused not of things of this world, but of the things of heaven our final and glorious place.
Thanks so much! Miss you. Hopoe all is going well! Hugs!