End on a High Note

“Life is like music; some high notes, some low notes; still together it makes beautiful music.”

Descant in music is defined as “an independent treble melody usually sung or played above a basic melody.”  I love to hear ladies who can hit these high notes consistently while the melody goes on beneath their voices.

My Mama was able to sing this part regularly, and she always did it with assurance, clarity, and strength.  I always wondered if she was nervous, but I think she practiced so much that she felt a sense of peace and confidence.  I can’t say I ever knew her to miss a high note; although, she probably would tell a different story.  If she did, nobody knew it except her.

As I look back on this year, it has certainly not been all high notes.  We have seen the loss of many folks who were dear to us, people we love are fighting cancer and other health related issues, there has been renewed chatter of war, the ever unstable political climate, terrorism, senseless killings, and an overall tension in our world.  How do we end this year on a high note?

Challenges come in everyday life.  Like a musician, you have practiced your faith, and you have your own opportunities to stand boldly and live.  Some people face life’s hardships with confidence and boldness while others are plagued with doubts and fears.  Jesus identifies with our circumstances and feels every single thing we are experiencing.

Life is like music.  Some of us are experiencing “high” times, others “low” times, but the melody of life goes on despite our individual experiences.

Whatever we are facing now and in this coming year, we should be assured that we don’t face anything alone for God is walking right alongside us.  He is giving us the strength to end this year and begin the coming year on a “high note.”  Happy New Year!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13


2 thoughts on “End on a High Note”

  1. Starting to keep a daily journal listing when God has touch me during the day good or bad. At the end of the week, I can look back and remind myself of how often he is in my day and strengthen my knowledge of his abundance. This message was a reminder.

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