They will fight against you but will not overcome you. for I am with you and will rescue you declares the Lord. Jeremiah 1:19
One of the great joys I find in life is sitting by the ocean on a beautiful day, listening to the waves gently kiss the shore, and either reading a book or visiting with a friend or loved one. It is so relaxing and lends itself to meditation and prayer. The Fourth of July on the beach is crowded, but people are, for the most part, considerate of others when setting up their tents, their games and playing whatever music appeals to them.
I was living the good life last week doing just what I love while allowing others around me to do the same, when the scene abruptly changed. Three teenage boys arrived carrying three chairs, a small umbrella, and a huge ice box/speaker for their music and drinks. First, they put the umbrella in the sand right in front of my sister and myself, then they turned on their music loud enough to hear in the next county, and finally, they pulled out their beer and huddled underneath that umbrella drinking while singing loudly along with their music! Unfortunately, there are no ordinances on these beaches governing tents, music, etc. which can be good and bad.
We noticed three things immediately. First, they were full of themselves, next, they had no consideration of others, and finally, this day was theirs and they were going to live it regardless of those around them. People around tried unsuccessfully to ask them politely to turn down the music, and they smiled at each one, but nothing happened. My sister left, and finally, I followed suit! Sometimes enough is enough!
Life can be just like this! There just comes a point when health, finances, relationships, spiritual issues, the world situation, and the daily grind cause us to declare, enough is enough! We know that we can’t continue down the same path because it is a dead end, and we can’t keep doing what we’ve always done, but a decision has to be made. We have got to channel our creativity into finding solutions to that enough is enough feeling.
There is a character in the Bible named Shamgar. He is mentioned only twice in Scripture, and his story takes up three lines and two verses, but the impact he had was amazing. The first verse is in Judges 3:31, “Shamgar struck down six hundred Phillistines with an oxgoad. He saved Israel.” The second verse in Judges 5:6 says simply, “In the days of Shamgar.”
Shamgar was the third judge of Israel whose heroic actions led to peace in Israel for an unspecificed time. We are only told that he followed Ehud as a leader, he was the son of Anath, he killed 600 Phillistines, and he saved Israel.
This man used three simple ideas to accomplish his work for God. First, he started where he was, next, he used what he had, and finally, he did what he could. Sometimes when we see things we know aren’t right, we are content to walk away rather than step up and step in. If we do take the initiative we feel God is leading us to take, the results are in God’s hands. Things can be changed if we only grab our oxgoad and go to work!
God used one man with one simple weapon to rescue his people from oppression. This example of God working through one person to change the life of many applies today. We are each called to know when enough is enough and use our actions to have influence over the lives of others. God often chooses to use unknown people to accomplish great things to bring glory to His name.
My story is just an insignficant example of how many times we experience enough is enough in this world of today. However, my story ended up bringing me a chuckle, and I should mention that this is the correct version of the episode!! Later that day those three guys ended up in the elevator with me, my nephew, and my grandson (both these guys related to me are big and strong). True to form, the speaker/cooler was still blaring even in the crowded elevator, the boys were still arrogant, inconsiderate, and self centered. This time, however, I picked up the oxgoad of confrontation. I said, “Hey there, allow me to introduce you to my nephew and my grandson. They will be with me on the beach tomorrow, and they would be happy to help you with the sound on that speaker!! We would love to see all of you.”
The next day was peaceful and quiet. Sometimes enough is just enough!
Great message. I wish more people who need to read this could do so. Hope those boys think twice before ruining beach time for others. They probably do that kind of behavior at other times and places. Have a good day.
This is one of my favorite messages because I have experienced an encounter with an individual where I live now where kindness made everything good again!