
Corinthians 5:7 “For we live by faith, not sight.”

The beach has always been that place that gives me perfect peace in my soul and body.  Last week, I had the chance to spend two days there with my daughter and her two boys.  Sitting (momentarily) and reflecting on years spent here with children, family, and now grandchildren, offer so many sweet memories.

I began to marvel at how life is much like the ocean.  The tide comes in and washes back out twice a day methodically taking with it sand, shells, creatures, shovels, buckets,etc. and replacing them with new treasures.

Life, likewise, happens with good times and bad, pain, doubts, fear, loss, failures, and replaces these with perseverance, faith, hope, joy, love, peace, memories and new adventures.  The ocean appears to be the same, but each day is different in some way.  Although sometimes life seems to be mundane, each day is different and a gift from God.

This really comes down to one word for me, “faith”.   Faith is defined as: “trust in, unquestioning belief in God; complete trust; reliance on; loyalty or allegiance to”.  When you think about it, the ocean is an example of total faith.  It’s based on a perfect order created and put into place by God. All who live in it, have total faith that each day will bring about exactly what is needed in exactly the right way.

It seems to me that God has promised that to each of us if we would but have the kind of faith which is comprised of complete trust and reliance on Him.

7 thoughts on “Faith”

  1. I love the beach and ocean as well, always find it very relaxing; however, I will now view the ocean in a different light. Thanks for your comments.

  2. Wow! Beautifully stated; I agree. Worry just seems to be caused from thinking that He might get it wrong. Love you posts / blog!! xxoo

  3. The ocean is timeless and tides change but are always there, like life. I walk the beach early most mornings and commune with God and my life as it is at that moment. It is a beautiful, reassuring way to the day’s beginning.

  4. Thank you Diane! Bless you! I have had my 95 yr. old Mother in law for a week! Also have the beach to look forward to with grandkids and family! Every day is a gift and I am going to read that to her! Blessed, Cindi

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