From the Mouth of Babes

IMG_4926 (1)“Do you hear what these are saying?’  And  Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read, ‘Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast brought perfect praise’?”   Matthew 21:16

Our grandson, Reese, is five years old and started Kindergarten this year. The old ideas that Kindergarten is all play and no work is definitely a misnomer.  Standards are much higher these days, and there is much expected of a child at this stage. God bless the teachers!

There is a list of words called Dolch sight words which a child should be able to recognize by sight by the end of each grade level.  These are words which can’t be “sounded out” and thus must be memorized.  Reese is on his first 20 sight words.  He isn’t a fan of homework, so it has been a little tough on his Mama and on him to get these committed to memory.

Reese informed his Mama as they sat down to study, that he already knew all his sight words!  Amazed, she asked him how this happened? He replied, “Well, Jesus tells them to me!”  She expressed how wonderful it is that Jesus talks to him and insisted that he show her how well he could recall the words.  Reese missed a few of the words.  “I thought you knew all these,”  said his Mama.  “Well,” said Reese, “Jesus hasn’t been talking to me lately.”

That story made me laugh, and then it caused me to realize that lately Jesus hasn’t been talking to me much either. Then, it occurred to me that I am guilty of not opening conversation lines between us.  I could probably hear Him if I would take the time to listen. As Cindi Fain says,  I need to sit still and just let “Jesus love on me”.

From the mouth of babes comes a perfect lesson for me.






1 thought on “From the Mouth of Babes”

  1. Thank you for your post- precious!
    Perfect timing!
    Today I’ve caught myself asking over and over, “What do I do now??”
    Not once have I asked God what I should do.
    Maybe that’s why I have no answer!
    Thank you for reminding me of Who I should be asking and listening to.
    Love you!?
    Thanks again for your special posts.?

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