God of our Fathers, whose almighty hand; Leads forth in beauty all the starry band. Of shining worlds in splendor through the skies; our grateful songs before thy throne arise. Thy love divine has led us in the past, in this free land by thee our lot is cast. Be thou our ruler, guardian, guide and stay; Thy word our law, thy paths our chosen way. Daniel C. Roberts
There were seven key founding Fathers of the United States of America. The seven are said to be John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, and James Madison. Some accounts add Samuel Adams to the key list. They all played critical and substantial roles in the formation of the country’s new government. These men were in large part responsible for a successful war for independence from England, the ideas celebrated in the Declaration of Independence, and the government defined in the Constitution of the United States of America.
It’s interesting that the group was composed of lawyers, farmers, merchants, businessmen, physicians, writers, and even ministers. They each added their expertise to come together to form this great nation. There were 56 who signed the Declaration of Independence. These men were motivated by their faith in Christ to pledge their fortunes, lives and sacred honor to the cause of freedom.
These founding fathers didn’t just write and plan a constitution, many of them wrote sermons, creeds, even hymns, founded Bible societies, Sunday Schools, and served God’s purposes for their generation. I am so grateful for the legacy they handed down to us as Americans.
If they could revisit the nation they helped create, the churches they left doing God’s work, the conversation in the homes of families today, the prisons housing so many, the homeless shelters which are filled, or even the schools where God’s name has been silenced, what would they think? Would they wonder why they and others fought and died so that so many of us might enjoy the freedom we take for granted?
They would probably quickly surmise that God’s place in this America has taken a back seat and that many people are confused as to His role in this country. It is apparent that as time goes by, we are pushing God further and further out of our society.
Did they fight for a country who has taken away our ability to express our Christian beliefs in a public arena? Did they fight for government control of our lives? Did they fight for educators to have the freedom to teach humanistic ideas of life? Did they fight for prayer to be removed from schools? It is a fact that the America they knew is but a vacant shadow of our past.
Where is our hope? It would make sense that if we know what makes a nation great, we would return to the things that made us great! Churches had a huge part in making America a great country. People were involved, they prayed, they made a vocal stand against anything evil, and they stood up for what was right. That should be the role of churches today.
In the mid 1970’s the US Marine Corp went through a rebuilding process where they were forced to eliminate from their ranks those Marines who were not committed to the Oath they took when they enlisted. The oath states: I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. Those Marines who didn’t comply were reassigned or asked to resign, and the Corp began the process of rebuilding with the truly dedicated men and women.
As my good friend and Marine Colonel said, ” The only one who is closer to a God than the Commandant is the Commander in Chief. Even when their Commander in Chief is one who is not respected by the troops for their actions, they respect the office and obey. Marines follow orders!”
Jesus has given this country a foundation of orders to be followed. Jesus Christ belongs front and center of all we do. God has baptized us with boldness and confidence for He is looking not for great people but for people, who will dare to prove the greatness of God. A.B.. Simpson
God Bless America!