I Believe!

File Dec 10, 5 05 09 PMJesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me?  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”  John 20:29

Last night, Randy and I took our two youngest grandsons to see Peter Pan. I don’t think they quite knew what to expect at a stage production, but they were excited!  The story progressed, and they watched intently. Tinkerbell in the production is portrayed as a small light which flits around and shines brightly.  She isn’t portrayed as a person, only a being which protects and defends Peter Pan.  Even though we couldn’t see her, we believed she was there.

There is a part in the story where Captain Hook poisons Peter Pan’s medicine.  Tinkerbell takes the lethal dose in Peter’s place.  As her light dims, the audience is asked to save her by clapping if you believe in fairies.  It was quite an exciting moment as the theater began to clap softly at first, then louder and louder as Tinkerbell’s light began to glow stronger and stronger. We were chanting, “I believe, I believe.”   As I looked down our row, it was amazing to see the faces of children and adults alike as they clapped and cheered to save the fairy.

My mind wandered to a child born long ago with the purpose of saving each of us who believe.  I thought how exciting it would be if we as followers of Jesus began to  “clap” collectively to save and spread the Christian faith around the world this Christmas.  We have a Savior who did much more for us than Tinkerbell did for Peter Pan, yet sometimes we forget and let His light grow dim.

As we celebrate Christmas this year, remember God has always applauded loudly for our Savior.  The star that shines so brightly leads us to His manger so we can believe and live.

I believe, I believe.



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