Keep Your Fork!

That’s why I don’t think there’s any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times! The created world itself can hardly wait! Romans 8:18 from The Message

Randy often tells the amazing story which was first found in Chicken Soup For The Soul of a young woman who was diagnosed with cancer and given three months to live. The doctor told her to make preparations to die, so she contacted her minister and told him how she wanted things arranged for her funeral service. She picked the scripture to be read, the songs to be sung, and the words to be spoken. Before she left, she called out, “Oh, and one more thing, I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand.”

The minister was confused, but the woman went on to explain. She said, “In all my years going to church functions, whenever food was involved, my favorite part was when whoever was cleaning up the dishes of the main course would lean over and say, “Keep your fork.” She went on to say, this was my favorite part because I knew something good was coming. It wasn’t Jell-0, rather, it was something with substance like cake or pie, you know, Biblical food.” So, I want people to see me in my casket with a fork in my right hand, and I want them to wonder, “What’s with the fork?” Then, I want you to tell them, “Keep your fork because something better is coming – the best is yet to come.” This woman thinks of her death and funeral in the same way believing that heaven is coming next, and it will be much better than what any of us are experiencing now!

I am one of the ones who will definitely be keeping my fork for many reasons, but especially, if it means that in heaven dessert will be served after every meal!! In the Biblical context, a fork can symbolize choices, the importance of discernment, the need for divine guidance, and a reminder of God faithfulness.

Last week as our family was celebrating some exceptionally good news, Susie called our oldest grandson, Drew, who is at Ole Miss. She was sharing all the good things that are happening when he said, “Aren’t we glad we kept our fork?” This comment started me thinking of all the times we can be tempted to give up our fork and not wait for the blessings!

We all, as a rule, don’t like change in our lives. We enjoy the blessings that change can bring, but we don’t like the process. When we think about it, trees need more than sunshine to produce fruit. Rainy seasons are productive, too, and they always precede the harvest. We don’t have to like the rain that falls in our lives, but we do need to understand that it has purpose and benefits.

The Bible says that every day “The Lord makes us more and more like Him..changing us into His glorious image”, but to become like Him, we have to follow Him through the valley of the shadow of death, the pain of rejection, the fighting for our reputation, and the surrendering of our own will. Following Jesus may put us in a different place today than we were yesterday, but once we stop fearing and resisting the changes, we start seeing God at work in our lives. Paul says, “Even though on the outside it seems as though everything might be falling apart, on the inside God is making new life.” All we need to do is keep our fork and wait in God’s timing.

If someone had told me four years ago that God was at work in our lives, I might not have been very receptive of that thought. However, we kept our fork, and we have realized that things that happen in our lives are here today and gone tomorrow. It’s the things we can’t see or never expect that will last forever.

I never expected that God could use us again in ministry for Him, but boy, was I wrong! The new chapter in our lives has opened doors to new and deeper friendships, a stronger and deeper faith, a fulfilling and exciting walk with God, and a sense of His presence in all we do. The people surrounding us sought God’s help, stayed faithful, and He rewarded us with the fulfillment of seeing His kingdom rekindle and grow! Keep that fork!

At the woman’s funeral, the people saw the dress she had chosen, saw the Bible she loved, heard the songs and scripture she loved, but they all asked the same question, “What’s with the fork?” The pastor explained that this woman, their friend, wanted them to know that in Christ, this is not a day of defeat. It is a day of celebration because the real party is just starting.

So, keep your fork! Something better is coming!

7 thoughts on “Keep Your Fork!”

  1. Once again a great blog; a new way to look at the fork. Thank you for your insight Diane.
    Tomorrow is grateful day ……last chemo!! The Lord has gotten be through one hurdle and ready for the next one.
    Have a wonderful day and week. Blessings my friend. 🎉🙏😘

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