Yet it was good of you to share in my trouble. You sent help more than once. Philippians 4:14 and 16
Some days cause me to remember past events or stages of life which have been special to me. Although, I have to be honest and say that high school doesn’t hold any stand out memories for me, it does hold some stand out friendships and stand out memories of those friends and friendships. One of my special friends from high school died this past week, and it gave me the opportunity to remember and reminisce about him with my cousin. It was special not only because of him and who he was, but also because his wife is my sorority sister, roommate, and dear friend. We have kept in touch and see each other on a pretty regular basis.
The timing of things like this remind me that there are many people throughout our lives who have given of themselves so that we might grow, accomplish our goals, and find wholeness and satisfaction. It’s sobering to reflect on this. Other than the obvious people such as parents and family, I can’t help but remember people who came into our lives and helped us even when we didn’t realize we needed help. Everybody probably has someone like this whether it be a teacher, a friend, or just an acquaintance.
Randy and I lived in parsonages until 1990 when a group of people came to us with a proposal. They were smart enough to realize that because we had always lived in church owned homes, we had built up no equity for our later years. This group offered to help us put down the down payment on a home and stand with us in order to get the mortgage. We didn’t even know we needed that, but through their sacrifice, we were able to own a home!! In later years, we have tried to repay their investment, but none would hear of it! Sometimes we tend to forget these amazing things in our life.
It would be easy to list all the times Randy along with other members of our churches had a vision, and when it was presented, different people stepped forward to make that vision a reality. However, a vision only goes so far. If not for folks being willing to give of themselves it wouldn’t work.
Lest we forget put simply means, it should not be forgotten. Although it is most commonly used at remembrance services and commemorative events, it is a phrase that we can use everyday. Rudyard Kipling in his poem, Recessional, reminds us of this when he says, Lord of Hosts, Be with us yet; Lest We Forget, Lest We Forget.
There are many stories in each of our lives where someone has come to our aid more than once. Shel Silverstein wrote a wonderful book entitled The Giving Tree which I used many times in my Kindergarten classes. The book tells the story of a tree and a young boy. The synopsis is something like this: “When the boy was young, he swung from the tree’s branches, ate her apples, and slept in the shade it provided. As he grew up, he spent less and less time with the tree. ‘Come on, let’s play, said the tree, but the young boy was only interested in money. ‘Then take my apples and sell them’, said the tree. The boy, now a man, did, and the tree was happy. The boy didn’t return for a long time, but the tree smiled one day as he passed by. ‘Come and play,’ said the tree, but the man was old and tired, and he just wanted to get away from it all. ‘Cut me down, take my trunk, make a boat, and sail away’, said the tree. The man did, and the tree was happy. Many seasons passed, and the tree waited. Finally the man returned, too old to play, or pursue riches or sail the seas. ‘I have a pretty good stump left. Sit down here and rest,’ said the tree. The man did and the tree was happy.” The tree gave in order to make the boy happy.
When we reflect on our own life as we get older, we can probably identify with both the boy and the tree at different stages. It would be easy to make a list of the many “giving trees” that have been a part of our lives. We need to take the time to thank God for each and every one. It is very humbling to take the opportunity to reflect and be thankful.
During Paul’s time in Philippi, Paul instructed the people there to seek whatever is righteous. He also declared his confidence in the enabling strength of Jesus Christ. Finally, he thanked them for their support and remembered those who helped him. So should we.
Lest we forget. Thank you Lord, for each and every person who have given of themselves to help others.
HIs love has no limit ,His grace has no measure; His pow’r has no boundary known unto men; For out of His infinite riches in Jesus He giveth and giveth and giveth again. He Giveth More Grace by Don Moen
As usual a wonderful message! I am so happy for the great friends we have made over the years and a lot of them at our fabulous Church-MBuMC! I have lost so many friends!but still remember all the great times we had ! God has been with me all the way!
Thank you Diane and Randy for times of support that you have given to Hugh and me.