Make Hay!

Make hay while the sun shines -that’s smart. Go fishing during harvest – that’s stupid. Proverbs 10:5 The Message

Our Daddy was a farmer in our small town, and he spent his days out on the farm where he grew and raised everything from peanuts, corn, and cotton, to pigs and chickens. His days started early and usually ended after dark when he would come home after a long day. His arms were always sporting the famous “farmer’s tan” from being in the sun most of the time!

Daddy had a lot of “daddyisms”, but when it came to helping get his three daughters up early to help him on Saturdays his favorite was, “Let’s make hay while the sun shines.” Surprisingly to me, a form of this saying is actually also found in Proverbs, and it literally means that you take advantage of the chance to do something while the conditions are good. In other words, we should make good use of our time or make the most of an opportunity while we have the chance. It conveys the idea that a diligent person will work when and how they can, while a lazy person will miss opportunities to get ahead.

The Message Bible says, “We need to be energetically at work for the One who sent us here, working while the sun shines.” We often hear people lament the things that did not get done in this life. We hear things like, “I wish I had done this or I wish I hadn’t done this or that. Why didn’t I get things done or make changes when I had the opportunity?” These questions point back to the scripture in Proverbs and encourage us to get things done whle we have the opportunity.

Sometimes in this life, we get stuck in the question stage, and we never seem to be able to move on to the solution stage. Jesus said, “You as well as I have work to do and there will come a time when you can’t work because the opportunity will be gone.” This applies to aspects of our lives today as we seek to take the opportunites presented to us to do the work of God.

So, how can we go abut making hay while the sun shines? First, I think we have to get in the habit of adjusting our daily routine to maximize the opportunties afforded us each day. We don’t determine our future, but we can determine our habits, and our habits can determine our future. It’s so easy to put off until tomorrow what we can do today, but tomorrow is promised to no one.

Next, we must recognize the opportunities that are presented to us daily. A successful person makes hay from the grass that grows under the other person’s feet. Making hay takes aspiration, inspiration, and perspiration!

Finally, making hay requires persistance. It would have been easy for us girls to roll over on Saturday mornings and catch a few more minutes of sleep, but Daddy was persistant. Succeeding in the opportunites afforded us means getting back up every time we fail. Louis Pasteur said, “Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.”

In light of the horrific events of the past weekend, it seems that the time is now for we, as Christians, to step up and take advantage of the opportunites afforded us in this day and age to make hay each day. This country is in desperate need of the light that knowing about Jesus would afford. We can make hay when we tell others of the joys that are found in a Christian walk. I noticed that many people were quick to let the world know they were “praying”! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it didn’t take a tragedy for this country to pray!

The story is told of a lady who had recently been baptized. A co-worker asked her what it was like to be a Christian? The lady was caught off guard, but when she looked up, she saw a jack-o-lantern on a desk in the office. Inspired she said, “Being a Christian is like a pumpkin. God picks you out of the patch, takes you and washes all the dirt off the outside. Then, He cuts off the top, removes all the yucky stuff, and the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed on the inside. Finally, he carves you a new smiling face and places His light on the inside to shine for all to see.”

Each day presents us with opportunies, experiences, and chances to make hay while the sun is shining.. Don’t miss the chance to seize the precious moments and chances with which God provides each of us!

3 thoughts on “Make Hay!”

  1. Great blog this morning.
    Hope you have a great day, and week.

    Doing good, 2 more rounds of chemo to go. I appreciate your prayers.

    Blessings, big hugs,

  2. Great message today, Diane. My Dad used to use that term for my sister and me . Hope you all are doing well.

  3. Time is short according to the Book.
    We are here for a reason. Share Jesus and be an example to those who have been hurt by the church. In the end it’s your relationship with Jesus that matters!

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