“Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” 2 Chronicles 1:7
One of the first lessons I learned as a minister’s wife was that when you appear at any kind of gathering, people expect you to be able to pray! After my initial experience with that, I realized quickly that public prayer is not my gift. I quietly began to let folks know that although, I married a minister, I was not trained in the ministry and didn’t like to do prayers in public! I’m not proud of that fact, but I am smart enough to admit to things that cause me stress and thus, I prefer to offer my prayers to God in a private environment.
I have adapted my method of praying – first by enveloping myself in quiet while attempting to create a worshipful atmosphere. I think of what He can do, how He loves His children, and my place in His world. As I pray for others and myself, I expect great things! Our prayers are God’s opportunities.
While that is my method, I know many people who are gifted in the power of public prayer. My sister, Kathy, prays the most beautiful prayers I have ever heard – then there’s my grand boys, Cindi, Tom, Will, and Jeanne -just to name a few. These are a few of the folks that I see as praying not only boldly, but with divine confidence. They, along with many others, seek to prove the greatness of their God. They expect the unexpected beyond all that we can ask or think!
Thursday I witnessed a most unusual, but touching sight. Tom, my friend in my water aerobics class, had four men in the pool in a circle, holding hands, and he was praying right there!! I was first stunned, then in awe, then, very humbled and proud. When they finished, I first asked, “What’s wrong?” Tom laughed, then he said, “Well, you know, it’s just time to give God some thanks for all the ways He helps us in our time of need. Joe’s wife has Alzheimer’s, but he has found a place where she is comfortable and has loving care. We’ve been expecting that miracle! God is good!” Wow, yes He is!
Prayer is so powerful, and we should never cease to use it for good! A quote by J. C. Ryles proclaims, “We should never open our lips in prayer without blessing God for that free grace by which we lives, and for that loving kindness which endures forever.” Amen.