
Bur he did not know that the Lord had departed from him.  Judges 16:20

Recently, I heard a Fourth of July sermon on America and the privileges we have in this country.  I was able to apply this lesson while we were on a trip to the Baltic Sea a few weeks ago.  We can’t imagine the privileges we take for granted in America until we see it from another country’s perspective.  We could all use a reminder of just how fragile our privileges can be.

Samson is a prime example of someone who took his privileges for granted. I can still see the pictures in the Picture Bible of my youth where Samson, although blinded, stood between two pillars of stone in the midst of over 3000 of his Philistine enemies and brought down the entire building.  They had tortured him, gouged out his eyes, and used him as a slave thanks to the betrayal of Delilah.

The secret of Samson’s strength was his long hair, and when Delilah cut it in his sleep, his strength was taken away.  The strange thing is, he didn’t realize it.  He just assumed that God would always be with him.  His strength was a privilege from God that he had taken for granted.  When he returned to God, it was restored.

There are many privileges that we all take for granted every day.  I sometimes forget to give thanks always for the many privileges that I assume will always be there.  Years ago I just assumed that I would always have the privilege of being able to see and talk to my Mama and Daddy, my good friends, my family, and those I love, but that privilege is not assured.

Health and the ability to be healthy is a privilege.  If you don’t appreciate your health and strive to stay healthy, that privilege is not assured.

I just assume that our country will always be free, but that is a privilege that needs to be nurtured and treasured.  It may not always be so.  When you visit another country our freedom suddenly becomes precious.

I assume that the church I love will always be there packed with friends and fellow Christians that are dear to me.  That’s a privilege, not a guarantee, and unless I nurture and protect it, that may not always be so.  We can’t just hope that people in charge will do things that are in its best interest because we never know the agenda.

I, like Samson, assume that God will always be with me, but that is not a guarantee.  If I don’t do my part to pray to Him, do His will, and keep the lines of communication open, He might depart from me and I won’t even know it until He is gone.

Each day is a special privilege and is worthy of thanks and praise to God.

For by grace you have been saved through faith and not of yourselves–it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.  Ephesians 2:8-9




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