For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully just as I have been understood. 1 Corinthians 13:12
Randy and I are both blessed to be a part of a large extended family. We both grew up around grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other extended family. Sundays and holidays were huge celebrations with everyone usually in attendance for picnics, family dinners, lake outings, birthday celebrations, beach trips, and any other excuse to be together.
Last week, my cousin planned and organized a beach trip for forty eight of our relatives on the Drake side of the family. We returned to our old favorite place in Panama City which is full of special memories for many of us. Although some were missing, we had a great group of first cousins, second cousins, third cousins, and on down the line. As our chldren’s children came together to spend time with each other, the joy of watching them enjoy each other brought back so many memories of growing up in a close family where everyone supported each other and the bond of love and faith were strong.
In this world of today, we tend to focus on our own lives not someone else’s, and this is true even in families. The great thing is, as soon as we are back together, it’s like we were never apart. My cousins, their children, my children, and our children’s children were able to pick up right where we left off! There is such beauty in the simplicity of the seasons of life and spending time with people you care about! Our memories and experiences of the past are great and useful in shaping us for who and what we are today!
As we gathered together for dinner to celebrate the Fourth of July, we started by remembering those of us who had come before and established the bond of love and family ties that we all now enjoy. When we circled up, held hands, and prayed, it was obvious that there were many missing from the circle and that each of us were remembering a space that was empty. There were some tears, but for the most part, there was joy!
Every family has unique and different strengths, and it’s healthy to celebrate them. We can all give an inheritance to our children, grandchildren, and even great grandchildren by passing on the values, insight, and love that got the family where it is today. If we have a sense of history it can inspire in those who follow us the desire to perpetuate the good things. We need to pass on the generational blessings that have been important to us over the years and recognize and verbalize the uniqueness of each member that made those contributions.
Although our past brings us together, it’s the individual members utilizing their unique gifts and fulfilling their particular roles that make a family resiient, supportive, and loving. These qualities give us a strong future in the promises of God.
Reunions are like much like a surprise party where everyone is the guest of honor! We never know who will walk through the door, but the joy of seeing them is amazing! I believe Jesus and His followers experience that kind of reunion every second in heaven. While we were celebrating our family reunion, a sweet friend of ours from Madison died after an illness. When we heard the news, Randy and I could visualize her entrance into the family reunion which only Jesus can provide and hearing the words from Matthew 25:21, “Well done thy good and faithful servant…Enter into the joy of the Lord.” A reunion in heaven is our reward for spreading the love, mercy, and grace of Jesus.
Don’t be the last chain in the link of your family. Don’t let it end with you. Take the blessings God has deposited in you and pass them on. Celebrate every step of the journey here and look forward to the reunion in heaven!
Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, sing His mercy and His grace; In the mansions bright and blessed He’ll prepare for us a place. When we all get to heaven, what day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory! When We All Get To Heaven by Eliza E. Hewitt
Thanks cousins! It was awesome!! Love you all!
As usual this was great! We have 58 family members coming to hear Bryce sing on August 25 and it will be a wonderful renunion for all of us!
What a wonderful blessing! I tried to get our cousins together in June and only one was able to come. Everybody is too busy. You were so fortunate to have so many participate.