
IMG_1157Colossians 2:6-7  “As therefore you received Christ the Lord, so live in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in Thanksgiving.”

Randy and I were blessed to be able to see Colorado during its peak leaf season this year.  I thought color in Georgia was beautiful, but I had no idea what I have been missing!!

A friend had told me to be sure and enjoy the Aspens!  What a beautiful tree!!  I loved them so much, that I did some research on them.  Aspens usually grow from 40-60 feet tall, and because of its root system, a new tree can spring up as far as 40 feet from the parent tree.  The trees themselves have a relatively short life, but the root system is long lived. One group of the Aspen’s root system in Utah is estimated to be 80,000 years old.

My Mama’s death has presented us with “roots”of our own that we have sometimes taken for granted.  We have deep “roots” in a small town which has raised us, cared for us, and loved us over the years, but we haven’t always remembered to say “thank you.” We have deep church “roots” there and many folks who taught us in Sunday School, UMYF, and youth choir, but we rarely see them.  We have deep family “roots” with those with whom we shared our childhood, but we have often been too consumed with our own lives to take time to reminisce and reflect about all the fun we had growing up.  We have “roots” in long time friends who were the first ones to show up and wrap us in a hug, but we don’t always keep in touch as we should.  Still, through the years, the “root system” keeps us connected, and we can take up right where we left off the last time.  What a blessing!

Only in my small town would people drop by Mama’s house, drop off the keys to their house, and tell you to “make yourself at home” while they are out of town.  At my home church, the ladies feed your entire family on the day of a funeral.  These roots are deep and so special.  I am forever grateful that I have these people in my life.

The Aspen is known for the calming melody it emits when the wind flutters its leaves.  Some believe this wind speaks to them in a distinctive voice.  Each time I think of the Aspen from this day forward, I will give thanks for the voice I hear and for the root system for which I am grateful.

2 thoughts on “Roots”

  1. What a thoughtful comparison! I can relate to those very caring and loving roots. Also, you all are still in our prayers.

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