The Greatest of These

BrideI Corinthians 13:13  “So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love”.

In order for Randy and me to get married, we needed a few things to happen.  We needed a job for me (so I could support Randy in the style to which he had become accustomed), an apartment, some furniture, and cash!  I secured a job with DeKalb County Schools, we found an apartment on the top floor of an older home, Randy picked up (literally) a sofa that was on the curb in married housing, and my grandfather gave us $300 in cash!!  Things have certainly changed in the last 44 years.

As the planning hurriedly progressed (I had to be ready for school in August), Daddy offered us cash to elope, but my mother would have none of it. To add to the confusion, the engine on Randy’s VW blew up two days before the wedding, so we had to use our cash to fix it!  The repairs totaled exactly $300!.

We married on July 29, 1972 at 3:30 in the afternoon with everyone dyingWeddingfrom the heat!  The reception was at my house with cake, punch, chicken salad bites, nuts, and mints.  My Daddy was beside himself with the cost.  I can’t even imagine what he would think of receptions these days!

As we exchanged gold bands that day, I took much comfort in the fact that engraved in each one was words from the scripture found in I Corinthians: ” The greatest of these is love”.  I remember thinking, “It’s a good thing we have love because we sure don’t have anything else”.

It’s interesting the way your perspective changes over the years.  Material things are no longer top priority although I am certainly grateful for those things I have.  Now my priorities are friendships, family, love, peace, joy, hope, smiles, hugs, freedom, faith, health, and so many more non materialistic blessings.  I am so blessed to have that reminder every day – the greatest of these truly is love.



4 thoughts on “The Greatest of These”

  1. Love reading and finding parallels to my life since we are the same generation. And miss seeing you guys most weeks

  2. Diane, I love your story. I can just imagine the two of you and always teasing each other. You were a beautiful bride and you and Randy were quiet the handsome couple, thus the beautiful children and grandchildren. Ron and I miss having you and Randy as the First Couple of Mt Bethel, but so happy you are getting to enjoy retirement and those awesome Grandchildren.
    I will look forward to future postings.
    Love in Christ, Joann

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