The Moment

IMG_1184“Be glad you had the moment.”  Steve Shagan

These past two weeks have been a time of adjustment, emotion, and reflection for me.  I got a sweet card from a friend with the quote above, and it made me think of all the “moments” which are priceless to me.

Growing up in a small town can have its good points and its bad.  The good is that everybody knows you – the bad is that everybody knows you. This time it was all good.  Without fail, every person who came by to express condolences could recall a sweet “moment” they had with Mama. Perhaps she made her famous macaroni and cheese for their parent’s funeral, perhaps she gave their son or daughter a job in her store, perhaps she sang for their wedding, perhaps she sent a precious card at just the right time, perhaps she visited their home bound parent.  I could name a dozen more “moments” they shared.

A sweet friend wrote me a note about the “moment” that meant so much to her so I will quote her.  “I remember waiting with Ashley (my daughter) and Cooper (her little boy) on the morning of Mason’s (my grandson’s) baptism.  All of the sudden, Cooper looks outside the door and starts running toward the door.  We turn and look outside the lobby window and see Mimi walking toward the door.  Before we can process the lovely sight, we hear Cooper squeal with joy, “Mimi”!!  He kept running toward her to give her the biggest hug with the biggest smile, and her eyes twinkled. These moments in time are sometimes the most magnificent in heart. But I remember thinking, ‘I recognize that joy and that love.’  I knew and know that joy and love, and it is the greatest gift next to the gift of Jesus to us all.”  (Julie)

We have many “moments” to treasure, and it brings much joy to remember them.  In my mind, I would replace Cooper in this story with Mama as she gives the big smile, and Mama with Jesus as He enfolds her with a twinkle in His eye.  This is the best “moment” and one we can all look forward to with great joy and love.



6 thoughts on “The Moment”

  1. How precious! What sweet words to describe Mi being welcomed into heaven! That picture looks just like Kathy! I never realized their resemblance so much! You blog is awesome! Love you!

  2. Sweet words that give me more insight of Mi. I have funny ,sweet,memories of Bubber, Mi, and you three….we are left with memories that will linger with a smile.??❤️❤️?

  3. Dear sweet Diane,
    May you akways cherish and remember every special memory and may God hug you day after day.
    We all love you and thank you for sharing special memories of your mama with us.

  4. Oh Diane, this captured her so well. She was a rare beauty, not just physically, but spiritually as well. She exuded love. I’m just humbled and honored that I’m one of the people that she loved. I surely loved her back. I talked to Cissy last week and want to talk to you and Kathy too. Got your sweet note. Thinking about you girls a lot. Love to all.

    1. Oh Anne, just saw this. Thank you. She really did exude the love. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for all of us. We should be back down this weekend, and I hope we will see you. Thank you for the prayers!

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