The Unexpected

IMG_1070“Sometimes we let life guide us, and other times we take life by the horns, but one thing is for sure; no matter how organized we are, or how well we plan, we can always expect the unexpected.”  Brandon Jenner

My mama always taught me that when it comes to cooking,  it’s better to cook too much food than not enough.  In the early months of marriage, I took that advice to the extreme and cooked way more food than the two of us could eat.  This lapse in judgment provided the guys downstairs with dinner almost every night. They were great guys, and they quickly became part of our family.

I was “showering” one evening when I heard two things in quick succession.  First, a loud bang on the bathroom door, followed by Randy yelling, “Diane, stay in there – do NOT come out.”  Next, there was the sound of many footsteps, pots and pans banging, and yelling.

Listening to the commotion, I could only surmise that I should peek out to see what was going on.  I threw on a robe and cracked the door.  At that exact moment, a rat scooted past me into the bathroom.  He was followed closely by Randy, who was carrying a broom,  and the guys from downstairs.

I screamed and jumped up on the toilet to escape.  The poor rat was so upset that he began to try to climb up after me which just made me scream louder (I think I added some dancing as well).  At this point, the guys were able to sequester him, and take him away.  I think he died of fright!

This incident presented Randy and me with a dilemma.  Do we get a cat to take care of this apparent problem?  An exterminator was never an option, and I am not sure why.  I think Randy might have had an ulterior motive? Long story short, we ended up with the first addition to our family, a German Shepherd puppy named Chief.  I’m not sure how we got from a cat to a dog, but it happened.

This incident prepared me for many things that were to come.  I learned to  always expect the unexpected!

1 thought on “The Unexpected”

  1. Funny!
    I think you happened to play a little part in our unexpected “Audrey,” too!
    From having gone after a collar for one dog, to ending up with no collar for “Bo,” but coming home with his baby sister.. and all her trimmings… was not in my plans – and certainly NOT Bub’s that day!
    Thanks for giving your approval for Audrey and helping to smooth over the shock to my husband!
    Sometimes surprises are the best gifts of all!?
    (Sending you a pic. blast from the past! Both blessings!)

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