
IMG_1139“I am most thankful for what I don’t have, for had my life’s wish list been filled in the manner I had chosen, I would be steeped in meaningless trinkets instead of bathed in God’s treasures.”   Craig D. Lounsbrough

Treasure is defined as “a quantity of precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects”.  In past years, I have mistakenly regarded gold, diamonds, silver, china, crystal, etc. as treasure.  I treated them with utmost care, washed them gently, polished them, and even insured them against theft or loss.  Randy could never understand my care of these items.  He always said, “They are just things, plus we never get to eat on the china or use the silver because you are afraid something will happen to it!  If it doesn’t go in the dishwasher, we don’t use it!”  I hate to admit it, but he was right!

In the past weeks, I have had many occasions to evaluate treasures.  When you try to go through a home which has existed for 70 years, you discover a lot about yourself and about things which are truly treasures.  For example, we found Life magazines from the 1940’s – what a true historical treasure! We were able to see the world as it was then and read the first hand accounts of those who lived it.  Granted, I am sure you can find these by goggling the internet, but what an experience to hold that in your hands and visualize Mama and others as they read them.  Pictures, the printed word, and radio were their way of feeling connected to the world and deal with all that was going on around them.  I can’t even imagine!  I could add to this list of treasures, sheet music from the 1920’s, collectible turtles in every form imaginable, personal writings, scrapbooks, letters from friends and family, family pictures, and so much more!

I choose to define treasure as “a valuable item”, but valuable in a different context. As I think about treasures right now, my list doesn’t include the silver, china, crystal, or diamonds anymore, but rather the simple things God provides every day.  My list now looks much different – it consists of love, family, friends, sunrises, sunsets, fires, the beach, the lake, a good book, laughter, worship, music, sweets, a good mattress, hugs, kisses, football, my dog, health, fall, blue skies, crisp mornings, mountains, and so much more.

“The greatest treasures are invisible by the eyes but found by the heart.  For where your treasure is, there your heart would also be.”  Angie Karan



2 thoughts on “Treasures”

  1. Beautiful. ?? Thank you for your soothing words and reminders of the many treasures and blessings I’m encouraged to focus on this National Election Day. ??

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