
He was in the world and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize Him. John 1:10

There is a television series entitled, Undercover Boss, where the owner of the company sometimes goes undercover disguised as a staff member. The boss works alongside the employees unrecognized and gets to experience the daily pressures, problems, frustrations, and successes of the staff. They also see people as they really are. For example, the frog might turn out to be a prince or an ugly duckling could prove to really be a swan.

It is also an opportunity for the Boss to become familiar with the employees and see first hand their strengths and weaknesses and what things are and are not working. In other words, the Bosses get to understand a little better those who work for them, and get an opportunity to know them as people instead of just names or faces.

A few years ago Randy and I had the opportunity to visit St. Petersburg, Russia with its elaborate palaces, beautiful countryside, and friendly people. Unfortunately, the underlying feeling we had as we went on guided tours, ate in restaurants, and talked with the people there was that there was a hesitancy to share too much about their own feelings and experiences in the country. It was as though Undercover eyes and ears were everywhere. Technology is so advanced and these people were so intimidated that it was easy to believe their fears were real.

The concept of an Undercover boss prompted me to ask, “Would we all act or speak differently if we knew Jesus was undercover working here alongside us? How would our conversations go at the family table if we thought He could be undercover there? How would we treat others in our daily lives? Would our language change? Would our motives be different? Would we be willing to let innocent men, women, and children suffer? Would we step up to defend some of the things happening in our country, our community, our church and our world? How would we deal with life if we knew the Kingdom of God was here right now?”

When Jesus encountered the woman at the well in John 4:10, He says, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is who asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water.” Jesus is among us and is waiting for us to ask for the living water He offers.

God is undercover in this world working, and He will reveal His plan throughout the generations. He has a kingdom right here, but we have to have eyes to see and ears to hear. The Word became flesh and lives among us.

Alfred Hitchcock used to get a kick out of doing cameo appearances in his movies. Sometimes he might be a man on the train with the stars, maybe just a man on the street, but he loved stepping out from behind the camera to do a cameo. God sometimes does a cameo for me in the form of a redbird, a hummingbird, or something else which has significance for me.

For Mr. Hitchcock stepping out for a moment was fun, but he never had to learn the lines, put in rehearsals, or nurse aching feet and backs. For God sending Jesus as an undercover boss was different. It was no cameo, but rather a life long assignment. He experienced everything we do from our weaknesses, our limitations, our highs and lows, everything from the cradle to the grave. Jesus is like the undercover boss who puts on his overalls and gets his hands dirty. He understands what we all go through in this life.

It’s interesting that there are those employees who don’t recognize their boss undercover, and they treat him like the new junior. They have no idea who they are talking to, but instead of being angry, the boss understands.

It was that way with Jesus. The crowds followed him while he was preaching, teaching, feeding them, or healing them, but when they were challenged to leave everything and follow Him, they abandoned him, but He still gave His life for them.

The powerful religious leaders were offended by Him and jealous of Him. They accused and convicted Him of crimes he didn’t commit, his friends abandoned Him, and He was unjustly punished with a tortuous death, but He still died for them.

The good news is that death could not defeat Him, and it can’t defeat us. Jesus has walked in our shoes, but now He’s back in charge of this world. Just like the undercover boss who sheds those overalls for a suit, and goes back to work, He is here for us.

When this world beats us down, it’s comforting to know that Jesus will give us a sympathetic “hearing” when we ask. He stands between us and God, and that should give us the confidence to know that our prayers are being answered. God is there to offer grace when we need it.

The undercover boss gives gifts of encouragement, forgiveness, and understanding to his loyal employees, but God’s gifts are far greater. The name Jesus means, God Saves, because He will save us from our sins. The cross is our promise!

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