What’s Your Dream?

Everything is possible for him who believes.                Mark 9:23

Years ago when Randy and I served Calhoun First United Methodist Church, the church sponsored a group of children and adults called The Winner’s Club.  It was the dream and ministry of a couple, Deacon and Inez Belue.  They were called to create a group for special needs children and adults, to help them dream of the things they could do.   The group loved to sing, so the couple worked with them, and they traveled around singing for churches and organizations.  The music was inspiring even if it wasn’t perfectly performed, but on stage, they had overcome their handicap.  These people had dreams, and this group helped them realize some of them.

Recently, I watched the movie, The Peanut Butter Falconand it brought back memories of The Winner’s Club and some of its members.  The star of the movie is Zak, and he is a Downs Syndrome boy who is living his life in a nursing home where he was placed until the case worker can find a home for him.  Zak has dreams of becoming a professional wrestler, and he desperately wants to attend the Saltwater Redneck Wrestling School.  He escapes the home and the adventure begins.  

The star of the movie is Zack Gottsagen, and he is a Downs Syndrome young man who dreamed of being a movie star.  The writers met him at a camp for people with disabilities, and when he told them his dream, they tried to dissuade him by telling him how hard it was to be a movie star for the ordinary person much less one with a disability.  Zack replied, “Cool.  Sounds like we do it together then.  You guys write and direct, and I can be the movie star.”  The movie is his true story.

The movie shows the power of dreams.  I came away realizing that human beings can’t be defined by their academic degrees, affluence, personal problems, or chromosomal disorders.  It shows the reality of life with a disability or handicap, and the realization that everyone has a dream.  In short, it reaffirms the value of every life.

The Bible implies that Jabez had some kind of handicap or disability, but he was stronger than whatever afflicted him, and his faith kept him going.  He kept his eyes on the future rather than dwelling on the past. I have friends who work everyday to overcome these circumstances and those who have a dream usually end up achieving great things.

When God gives us a dream, sometimes the circumstances required to fulfill that dream won’t be to our liking.  In the midst of the conflict, ask God, “What is it that You are saying or trying to show me in this situation?” Sometimes God ordained dreams aren’t just born, they have to be reborn.

I’m forever grateful for the friends I know who live their dreams every day and are all winners.

Expect great things from God, and attempt great things for God.                          William Carey

P.S.  Unfortunately, this movie is not for young adults or children!


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