Who You Gonna Call?

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead. James 2:26

Many of us remember the old movies, Ghostbusters. The movies explore a group of New York parapsychologists who investigate and eliminate ghosts, paranormal manifestations, demons, and demigods. The ghostbuster franchise explores themes of the supernatural, the power of belief, and the importance of friendship and teamwork.

The theme of the movie became an instant success with the catchy music and lyrics which asked the question, “Who You Gonna Call? Ghostbusters!” We ask that question a lot these days, who Are we gonna call during the catastrophes of this world? We, as humans, want to be able to get in touch with an expert when we have a problem or emergency.

When the world is in trouble, we want to be able to send up a signal like Gotham City did to page Batman, or we want a super human who can leap buildings in a single bound like Superman! We want someone powerful and dynamic to save us from catastrophes.

I can remember the days in our small town, when the only way to get help in an emergency was to call the operator and ask her to please call the police or fire station. The other option was to find the phone directory, look up the number, and call. Who You Gonna Call? The first 911 call was made in Haleyville, Alabama on February 16, 1968; however,it wasn’t officially made the universal emergency number until 1999. We are quick to take these life saving conveniences for granted.

We think we have all the important things like power, water, cell service, and gas, but then a natural disaster hits, and we realize that there are limits to what humans can do by themselves. The fact is that God doesn’t need a super hero or a ghostbuster to get things done in this world, He just needs us regular folks to help other regular folks.

In speaking with some of the folks who have survived the remnants of Helene, the one thing they say over and over is that ordinary folks are working to help other ordinary folks. When your city is totally devoid of power, cell service, water, chain saws, generators, and all the things that are needed to survive until help comes, Who You Gonna Call? That’s the problem here. Without the luxuries we rely upon in this world of instant communication, how do we function?

The first thing we do is remember to lean on God and draw strength from His enduring love and unwavering presence. We like to think that we can run the world without Him, and He will let us try, but in reality, God is in charge. He is our refuge and strength!

Next, we need to change our perspective. When we can see things from God’s perspective the negative thoughts and feelings are replaced with positve and hopeful assurances we have experienced as we remember the goodness of God in the past.

Finally, we need to pray faithfully. Every person I have encountered who has been affected by this disaster always responds the same way when asked, “What can we do for you?” The answer is, “please pray for us.”

There is a universal prayer that many pray during disasters, and I share it now with you. Lord, please be with each and every person affected by this storm and surround them with your love, protection, and angels. Let them know there are millions of us out here praying for them and their loved ones. Please sustain those who are working to rescue or rebuild and fill them with strength. Fill us with hope for the new creation that will come from this disaster. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Who you gonna call? We are calling on God. He can use anybody and everybody. When things are at their worst, we tend to see the best in us all! God reveals the greatness of His power by demonstating that the world’s nobodies are His somebody’s. Who does God call? Anybody who will answer!

4 thoughts on “Who You Gonna Call?”

  1. Wow,Diane. True words were never spoken. Thank you. It is hard to watch the devestation. I am in NC now for a month and our area was hit some but nothing like western NV . I see Franklin Graham there with his group of volunteers. Thank God for him.

  2. Very timely blog today. Those who’ve been affected by Helene and FL as we prepare for Milton. Thank you Diane for sharing your knowledge, insight, and wisdom.
    Have a blessed week. Thank you,
    Pam 😘🙏

  3. I’m calling Jesus. HE is the only solution for all of us. This disaster has given me a boost in humanity. We the people are FEMA not DC.
    Thanks for your talent to express my feelings.

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